June Energy Forecast

energy forecast numerology Jun 10, 2020

What is trying to be born here?

The chaos and disruption we are currently experiencing is stimulating a new idea.

It is asking for seeds of a new potential to be planted.

The disruption is here to support our evolution to a paradigm shift.

We are asking for an experience more honouring than the one we are currently leaving.

The new ideas and new intentions are here to support the stability and foundation of the life we truly want to live going forward.  

Your desires matter.  June is here to support your choice. What do you truly want?

Watch the video to find out how this energy unfolds, and how you can leverage it to support the changes you want to see in the world.  

Then come back and tell me... What do you truly want to see in your world?

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Effective investment - Consider 3 Levels.

Uncategorized May 21, 2020

Invest and cultivate to grow.

What do you want to see?

More clients?
Increased income?
More freedom?

Yes...  and...

More inspiration. In-spirit. In-spire.
Refined intuition.
A business that feeds your soul.
Deeply enriching connections.
Supportive, loving community.
Secure foundations that will hold you, as you risk and experiment and leap.

For that, we need to invest. And to truly capitalize on your investment, to maximize your return (ROI), you need to invest on three levels:

Financially. Hire support. Buy a book. Take a course. Do some training. Join a club. Buy a cup of coffee for someone you want to mastermind with. Invest to spend time with people who see the best version of you.

With your time. Show up. Invest and spend your time wisely. Luxuriate in the activities that will help you grow into the person who has the things you desire. Grow and strengthen those muscles by investing your time.

Energetically. Does your energy fit where you are headed? Read. Listen to...

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May Energy Forecast

Uncategorized May 01, 2020

Where are alllllll my fellow Freedom Lovers at????

Raise your hand if this is a core value for you. 

It is for me... it has been a guiding value for many years, and I am so grateful I held it so close to my heart for so long. Because it brought me to this stage in my life.

It started with Freedom from... from restriction, from chaos, from heaviness, from burden, from overwhelm.

Then at some point it shifted to Freedom to... to be joyful, to be inspired, to travel, to play, to connect, to have fun, to express my genius, to be more tuned in, to be more loving.

And, in truth, we are always growing towards another level of freedom. In these times, many of us are facing restriction. Restriction in finances, in our ability to go out, in socialization, in physical touch and connection, in ability to do in person work... the list goes on.


We are being asked to notice what is between us and our freedom... some if it is outside our influence yes. But there is something that is...

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What the heck is happening? March energy update.

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2020

March is crazy.  

So many people are going through massive pain, fear, chaos and illness.  It has activated basic survival mode in everyone.

Please, in this time, first honour and meet your survival needs.  Take care of your physical, emotional and mental needs first.  Make sure you and your family are taken care of, especially with your health and wellbeing.  

And, once your basic survival needs are met, it doesn't serve you to stay spinning in fear.  

I hope this energetic context will support you with what's next.  

2020 is here for us to find stability, security and foundation so we can be leaders for a more loving, stable, hopeful and secure way forward. Anything that doesn't support this uplifting energy needs to crumble and fall away.  Our sense of security and leadership will first be tested, then strengthened.  

March has massive disruption energy.  When we set out with a goal or a plan, we often use...

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So much good is coming out of this hard.

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2020

"So much good is coming out of this hard."

Words I shared with my client this morning. She is going through hard times. Often, when we are in the midst of a difficult, challenging, heart breaking situation... it can feel like it never ends. Like we may never emerge.

But what if you could look at your situation from another perspective?

You would see that so much good is coming out of this hard.

You would know that you are gaining new skills, strengths and gifts.

That by learning these new things, you are opening yourself up to live more aligned with your purpose.

To contribute in a more expansive way. To make a bigger impact, to make a difference.

You are actually becoming the person who you have always wanted to be... have always known yourself to be.

And by USING these gifts in the world, you are opening up yourself to a new level of Sacred Wealth. You are activating the law of Divine Compensation on a whole deeper level.

And this means you are creating new more expansive...

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1 thing to Embrace. 2 Things to Stop.

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2020

2020.  The year of stability, structure and foundational safety.

Our goals this year will naturally support this evolution.  But if we don't take action and DO anything about it, we will experience more chaos, frustration and challenge.

The goal... the desire... the thing you want this year.  What is it?  More money, business growth, improved relationships, better health... whatever it is, at least know where you want to see a change.

So many of experienced struggle in 2019.  

So often, when we go through struggle... we push through, work through it, and figure it out.  Then move on.

Well... guess what!  There was an important reason for it!!  Check the video below to find out more.

Most importantly... identify the gift the struggle gave you.  It helped strengthen you in a very important way.  And you need that expanded skill set in 2020.

So... identify the strength.  And embrace it.

In order to create clear results in...

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When someone sees something in you... that you don't yet see in yourself.

Uncategorized Dec 18, 2019

9 years ago…

“You are a healer… you know that right?” She gently held my hand in hers, and watched me as the weight of her words slowly settled in.

An economist, yes. A business woman, yes. Someone who is good with numbers, yes. A problem solver, yes.

But a healer? This was the first time I had ever considered those words… for myself.

She took another minute with my hand, and then said “Your healing line is actually stronger than mine. You are a healer of healers.”

I drew my hand back.

This was more than I could even allow myself to consider.

6 years ago..

“You are a teacher… you know that right?” She reviewed by chart. I laughed. “Um, I know I am a great coach, but I am so not a teacher.”. She looked at me, allowing the weight of the words to float in the air between us.

A speaker, yes. A workshop leader, yes. A coach, yes. A writer, yes.

But a teacher?

“You will see.” She replied, as she went...

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Pleasure is Sacred

momentum ritual sacred Dec 12, 2019

I found myself last on my list.

I was exhausted... and no matter how long I slept, it was never enough.

I had a strong-willed toddler. A highly sensitive 7 year old. And a newborn baby.

I was so overwhelmed, at times I felt like I was underwater.

My needs fell to last... and I became so good at ignoring them, I actually forgot what my needs were.

Until one morning. I said to myself. This is it. This is my life. The moments of life happen in the little daily snapshots. These tiny moments are what will either create my life. Or not.

And so.

I began to ritualize my pleasure.

It started with self-care breakfast. I made myself my favourite warm breakfast. And savoured it mindfully.

I left myself notes... words of love and encouragement.

I began to say yes to fun things, even if it was a massive inconvenience to get out of the house, to arrange the kids needs, to get the things done. But I did it anyways, even, especially, when it was hard.

And a momentum was created.

It got less hard....

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Living a Life Fulfilled.

Knowing WHO you are. And HOW you contribute.

This is the key to living a life fulfilled.

Someone asked me on Sunday... what do you want for your kids? And my response is truly want I want for ALL of us.

I want us to know what it means to live a fulfilling life. I want us ALL to experience a fulfilled, well-lived life.

Now... that is a simple answer to something that is very complex. But there is a first step to living a fulfilled life. And everything else flows out of this step.

Know WHO you are and HOW you contribute. Your very existence matters. Your perspective is critically important. Our evolution is co-created by ALL of us choosing to contribute. 

But... what if you feel like you don't know? I get it, sometimes it feels so hard. And when we are searching, it can feel illusive. But I want you to know something.

It is actually much easier than you think.

I get it... I felt the feeling of constantly seeking and searching, trying to understand my role. Knowing I had one,...

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