Dear πŸ’– Future Self πŸ’–... there's something important I want you to know.

There's something you should know about me.

 I love to make my birthday a big deal. I want an extended birthday celebration. I like to celebrate myself... unapologetically. 


✨  My birthday is a ritual βœ¨   

It is how I acknowledge my one Wildly Sacred Life. It is an honouring of how I choose to live my life... and how I want to move forward.

 I started a ritual, which has become incredibly meaningful to me. Inspired by one of my besties Jackie McDonald... and it has become one of my most favourite practices!

πŸ’– First... I sit and honour the journey I have been on. I celebrate myself. 

For my accomplishments, the tough choices I made, the risks I took, the investments I made, the values I expanded, and the delight I choose. 

Where I choose myself, and the life that really matters to me.

πŸ’– Second... I take time to acknowledge what I am ready to leave in the past. Usually these are habits or belief systems that, while they worked for some time, are not going to serve me in the life I am now creating.

πŸ’–  Third... I connect with the woman I am becoming this year. I imagine future me, with all her wisdom, insights, and experiences. I imagine the thoughts and feelings she experienced, all the choices she made, the actions she took. I listen to her. I let her tell me and show me what I am ready to see and hear, so that I may activate my becoming.  

And I write her a letter. I seal it, and place it in a sacred space, with a crystal on top. To be opened on my next birthday. 

Today, as I read what I wrote to myself one year ago... I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. 

✨  My life is sacred - because I have chosen this. 

✨  I feel divinity daily - because I honour this. 

✨  I feel deeply connected to my inner guidance system - because I prioritize my energy and connection. 

✨  I experience freedom, connection, adventure and pleasure - because I invest in them. And as a result of my investment, wealth and prosperity flow to me through these avenues. 

Babe, I want this for you too. We all get to choose and invest in the life we truly want to live. A life of meaning. A life that honours our values and priorities. And I believe it starts by us. Radically choosing ourselves. And fully honouring our inner guidance system and the richness of our intuition.


✨What is a birthday without presents?? βœ¨

I created a gift for you... so you can try this beautiful practice for yourself! Save it for your birthday or you can do this now, on Imbolc!  This sacred time, mid-way between the winter solstice and spring is the perfect timing for a divine ritual for you! 

Download Ritual Here 


If you have any questions... please reply to me here, and we can book a call together to see if this is a fit for your next step!!

And I want to know... are you going to try my βœ¨ Ritual✨? Please share how it goes for you!! I want to know if you love it as much as me!


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