Burnout, and how Spirit called me out 🙈

Last month I got sick... so sick my eye swelled shut (I'll spare you the gross photo) and I had to cancel calls!! Which I rarely do. But it caused me to slow down for a few weeks... and I sat with the question "What am I not seeing clearly?"

And the answers came through hot and heavy. 

I have known for YEARS that there are some projects that I need to move forward on... and they sat on the back burner. I wasn't making progress on them... even though I was clearly guided to do so. And every time I procrastinated on them... my inner spark grew more and more dull. My intuitive downloads and ideas slowed down... until they came to a screeching halt.  

The message from Spirit was loud and clear "You say you want answers to move forward.  You received answers, but you aren't taking action on them. Why the heck would you receive MORE when you aren't moving forward on what you already have??"

I was sitting on something I was excited about... but I wasn't taking action to...

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