Burnout, and how Spirit called me out 🙈

Last month I got sick... so sick my eye swelled shut (I'll spare you the gross photo) and I had to cancel calls!! Which I rarely do. But it caused me to slow down for a few weeks... and I sat with the question "What am I not seeing clearly?"

And the answers came through hot and heavy. 

I have known for YEARS that there are some projects that I need to move forward on... and they sat on the back burner. I wasn't making progress on them... even though I was clearly guided to do so. And every time I procrastinated on them... my inner spark grew more and more dull. My intuitive downloads and ideas slowed down... until they came to a screeching halt.  

The message from Spirit was loud and clear "You say you want answers to move forward.  You received answers, but you aren't taking action on them. Why the heck would you receive MORE when you aren't moving forward on what you already have??"

I was sitting on something I was excited about... but I wasn't taking action to move it forward. I didn't "see" it, so much so that my eye had to swell shut to get my attention to look.

And it led to my frustration, exhaustion, and checkout... I was drained. It was a type of boredom burnout that was new to me. My spark was gone.

And if you have been here for a while, you KNOW this is not me. 

So I took some small steps forward... and guess what? Everything started to shift.

✨Momentum kicked in.
✨My inspiration and spark of excitement came back.
✨I am busy, but feeling WAY more energized than before.

I am sharing this story with you because it was shown to me that when we fall into struggle... we contract. We get small. We shrink. And we think we are conserving energy or something... but really, we are turning DOWN our spark, and dulling our energy. And this dips us into the Scarcity Economy... where we worry about lack, feel like there isn't enough, and worry that we won't be ok.

THIS is why I am feeling called to share about the Abundance Economy... because sometimes the smallest shifts can create the MOST powerful changes.

People praise my resilience.

It's true, I am resilient. And I am proud that I have developed this trait. Honestly, it is a CRITICAL trait to have, especially in times of turmoil and stress. Which, let's be real, is EVERYWHERE right now, including business.

But, resilience doesn't happen passively.

Resilience comes through a few key practices:

⭐️nervous system regulation. 

⭐️developing healthy boundaries.

⭐️good, clear communication.

⭐️a strong connection with your intuition and your inner guidance system.

⭐️the ability to co-regulate with the right people.

Interestingly enough 🤔... these are the EXACT same practices that support the Abundance Economy 🤯 (alongside a few others 😉).

📣If you are stressed to the max, and in survival mode... you will have a hard time accessing the Abundance Economy📣

Now, that's not to say you HAVE to be happy and blissful and positive only to access it. 🙅‍♀️ NOPE. That is a big fallacy.

BUT... if you are experiencing:

❌Business Burnout

❌Fatigue in your business, causing you to drag your heels on things

❌Stuck in survival

❌Feeling bored, lacking spark and excitement in your work....

THIS will 100% affect your ability to access the Abundance Economy. 

BUT this does not mean you are STUCK on the Struggle Bus.  

It means you may need to make some changes, and create a new relationship dynamic with your work, your business and your money. 

Over the coming weeks, I am going to be sharing more about the Abundance Economy... let me know, are you interested in learning more about the Abundance Economy?

And please reply with any questions you have or topics you want me to share about!!

I am curious... have you experienced burnout or survival mode in your business lately?? I know I can't be the only one!!  

Let me know if you relate to my story!!!

🔮I did a reading for you!!!

Have you been listening to my podcast??  I have been getting amazing feedback and this week I shared a reading I did just for you!! You can listen on 🍎Apple Podcasts or 🍏Spotify... and if you do, please be sure to follow and leave a review for me!! It would mean the world to me!!!


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