“It’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”

“It’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”
👆 a client who just signed up for the Mentorship. 

But WHY is this so important?

I need to unpack this with you a little. 

✨The energetics matter because:

Every strategy has merit to it. NOT every strategy will work for every person or business. Why? Because different Energetic Codes need to do things a little differently.

This is WHY I create a customized Numerology-informed business plan for each of you in the Abundant Business Mentorship.

I will share with you exactly what your strengths are... and what energies are MOST supportive to you. AND I will share what energies will challenge you, and how you can navigate them.

✅Intuition is CRITICAL in business. And it can easily get buried underneath the "prescribed rules of business" when you fall into the trap of doing what you "should" do rather than what is energetically aligned for you. YES, you will have to do hard things... that is required (lol, I hate to break it to you, but I have a feeling you already know this). BUT doing hard things should NEVER mean going against your intuition. The market and the landscape has been changing so much... being intuitive becomes your super power, because you can sense the currents, feel into your clients' energetic ask, use your gifts of attunement... and these will be way more valuable than following a prescribed textbook plan.

✨The strategy is necessary because:

✅Only relying on your intuition and the energetics is a path to burnout. You deserve to feel the support and stability of a well structured system and foundation holding you. Provinding powerful structures for your intuition to flow. And here's the best part - the safer you feel, the stronger your intuition and creativity gets. So allowing yourself to have a solid biz structure is rocket fuel 🚀🚀🚀 for your gifts, and your intuitive and creative expansion.

✅ Confidence in your decision making. A solid strategy reduces the amount of time spent in uncertainty, unknown and chaos. The whole point is to lean into the strategy to save you the effort and the energy of making decisions over and over again.... that were already laid out in your plan. That freed up energy means extra space and creative energy to do what you love BEST - sharing your gifts and supporting your clients... which will light up your creativity, inspiration and business expansion.

⭐️When the two are combined... you have a magical recipe for an energetically aligned, profitable business.⭐️

And because I an intuitive and very sensitive to energy... I have a very unique gift.

I can feel and sense WHERE and WHY you are struggling to implement and take action in your business. So I won't just tell you WHAT to do... I will help you move through the very thing that is stopping you in the first place. Because when we create the conditions for your success... it happens with so much more ease.  


🥳🎈🥳Doors OPEN for Abundant Business Mentorship!🥳🎈🥳

If you have questions or want to chat first, either reply to this email or book into my calendar. 

Consider this your official invite.  Doors are only open for a couple more days 😉😘 


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