Living a Life Fulfilled.

Knowing WHO you are. And HOW you contribute.

This is the key to living a life fulfilled.

Someone asked me on Sunday... what do you want for your kids? And my response is truly want I want for ALL of us.

I want us to know what it means to live a fulfilling life. I want us ALL to experience a fulfilled, well-lived life.

Now... that is a simple answer to something that is very complex. But there is a first step to living a fulfilled life. And everything else flows out of this step.

Know WHO you are and HOW you contribute. Your very existence matters. Your perspective is critically important. Our evolution is co-created by ALL of us choosing to contribute. 

But... what if you feel like you don't know? I get it, sometimes it feels so hard. And when we are searching, it can feel illusive. But I want you to know something.

It is actually much easier than you think.

I get it... I felt the feeling of constantly seeking and searching, trying to understand my role. Knowing I had one,...

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