3 different quiz types and how to use them to attract clients - Episode 46

This part 2 of a 4-part little MINI series on creating a quiz funnel with the 3 stage business model and magnetic marketing to create a thriving abundant business!!

Different KINDS of Quizzes and HOW you can use them to Attract Paying Clients.

Maybe your niche is covered in the examples I share here?

First, you need to consider the client journey, and what products you want to position with the quiz.

Once you understand the messaging and positioning, the type of quiz will become more clear!

3 different types of quizzes:

1. Diagnostic Quizzes: Help your clients discover what's holding them back.

2. Personality Quizzes: Use personality results to align clients with your offers.

3. Outcome-based Quizzes: Drive them towards a desired result, like improving their business or personal life.

Share with me on Instagram your niche or your low-cost offer... and let's brainstorm a quiz idea for you!! If you are ready for support, check out my Abundant Business Mentorship! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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