A Quiz is the BEST Way to Attract Paying Clients - Episode 45

This part 1 of a 4-part little MINI series on creating a quiz funnel with the 3 stage business model and magnetic marketing to create a thriving abundant business!!

In June I received a powerful download that landed like a "woosh" (all the good ones do!!).

"To share your Healing Currency program... create a quiz."

And instantly I lit up!!

The ideas flowed so quick, I had the whole thing up and going in days.

And within 9 days I had 156 ppl take the quiz.
And 24 became paying clients.
That's a conversion of 15% 🤯 in less than 2 weeks.

And now... I am helping YOU create similar results.

Here's HOW quizzes are the BEST way to attract paying clients:

1. Quizzes are a fun and playful way to open up the information gap that your clients are trying to understand. It's a fun, playful and engaging way to connect with your clients.

2. Your quiz creates trust by helping your clients feel seen, heard and understood. They better understand the challenges they are dealing with, and the solutions available for them... and it builds the trust that YOU can help them, and that your SOLUTION can work for them. This is KEY to being able to effectively position your paid offer.

3. You are able to segment your list, and speak very specifically to the actual problems your clients have TOLD you they are experiencing!! This creates specificity, and by monitoring the quiz results, can also help you get even more specific with your niche!!

DOORS are OPEN for the Abundant Business Mentorship: 


Do YOU want to explore how a quiz could work for you? share your niche with me and let's brainstorm together!!l



50% Complete

Two Step

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