How to access Abundance using the Akashic Records with Kara Melendy - Episode 36

⭐️Shifting from scarcity to Abundance.

⭐️How to work with the Akashic Records to tap into greater levels of Abundance.

⭐️Nerding out about what the study of economics did to help understand

⭐️HOW to tap into greater levels of Abundance.

⭐️How to work with the modalities you are called towards to tap into the divine expression of your Soul and your unique Soul's blueprint.  

This Podcast is a beautiful chat between long time friends... peak behind the scenes and experience the Codes of this profound conversation!  

About Kara Cosmic Channel, Astrologer, Akashic Record Practitioner! Kara supports you in connecting to your soul's Highest Path, unlocking your blueprint for success, and experiencing the impact and abundance you were made for!   

She shared some incredible gifts with us!! 

Akashic Record Meditations for Jumping Timelines & Activating Abundance

Connect with Kara on Instagram and YouTube.  

Youtube Link      


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