June Energy Forecast - Create waves of change - Episode 35

Happy June!!!!  

5 energy month is here to shake things up for us. A little playful adventure. A little curiosity and exploration.  

No more boxes. No  more towing the line. No more “shoulds”.  

This is an important turning point in the year. The new paradigm that you have been feeling and sensing? It is time to live it into being. Make decisions and take action aligned with the vision you WANT to see unfold.  

There is also a big self-worth and money portal opening up, listen in for the dates.      

For details on Healing Currency, the program to help you heal your relationship with money so you can unlock a frequency that will ripple waves of healing out to every area of your life, visit this page here.

Send me a note on Instagram and let me know if you enjoyed this episode!!


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