Abundance, Collaboration and Business: Conversation with AnnMarie McKenzie - Episode 34

Be prepared to understand the energetics of business, abundance and collaboration in a totally new light!

AnnMarie McKenzie and Meaghan Alton take things deep in this episode. They discuss what abundance truly means in business... and the subtle ways that scarcity can keep people caught up in the old paradigm, feeling stuck in hustle and "never enough" mode.

AnnMarie is the Queen of strategic plans, goals with soul, and how to be expansive in business. She shares about her soulmate clients, and how they are powerful idea generators, and how she supports them to honour their natural gifts... and create a thriving business. 

Ditch the SWOT analysis for SOAR analysis... and she shares about the subtle shift that can change everything in your business and strategic plan. She also talks about how the toxic narratives of playing small have created mindset challenges that keep people unable to identify their opportunities and gifts!

At the end of the episode, Meaghan dives into a mini numerology reading for AnnMarie, and they have some fun sharing insights on the contribution, service and soulmate clients AnnMarie is here to support!

Follow AnnMarie on Instagram 

And visit her website here.

As usual, please screen shot this episode, post on Instagram and tag Meaghan! She loves to reshare your photos! AND if you want a voice note from Meaghan with some numerology insights, DM her on Instagram with your birthday!

About AnnMarie McKenzie

AnnMarie is a Soulful Business Strategist who empowers purpose driven entrepreneurs to grow their business through authentic soulmate client attraction. Her vision is to create a world where everyone is aligned with their purpose, amplifying their power, and activating the Divine prosperity that is their birthright. Certified Advanced Numerology Queen, Speaker, Psychic Spiritual Teacher, and Heart-Conscious Leader, she weaves the magical with the practical to elevate consciousness. 

AnnMarie is on a mission to support psychic sensitives, creatives, and healers to integrate the intelligence of their hearts, reclaim their energetic sovereignty, and become the inner authority of a handcrafted life and business they love.

Head to annmariemckenzie.com to find her free resources and access her services. 


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