Numerology Reading - what your current challenges are inviting right now for you - Episode #22

When we are facing challenges, confusion or uncertainty in moving forward, this is where a reading can provide clarity and profound insight! In this episode, Meaghan shares a numerology reading to bring insight for you.

She shares how you can ask a question, and work with this collective reading and your intuition to get answers. Some of the important themes that are emerging at this time are self mastery, and learning to trust yourself. Developing, and leaning into community, which requires vulnerability, truth and authenticity... particularly if you want to connect with a meaningful and fulfilling community.

Meaghan shares a few ideas of how you can implement this energy to work with the current. And she shares how there will be some karmic adjustments unfolding through the experimentation that is really underway right now. Bring your question and tune in to receive some intuitive numerology guidance to help you move forward!


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