Create your Alchemy Mantra to transmute challenges into potential - Episode 15

Craft your personal Alchemy Mantra aligned with your unique Numerology Code! 

In this episode, Meaghan guides participants through a journey of self-discovery, emphasizing the power of intention and self-empowerment.

Download the workbook here if you want to craft yours!!

Access the workbook for all the details!

Discover the importance of self-love and setting boundaries as Meaghan shares her own mantra. Explore how personalized affirmations can act as potent tools for transformation and empowerment, akin to enchantments that activate your innate strengths.

Throughout the session, Meaghan provides tailored feedback and insights as participants share their crafted mantras. Delve into the deeper dynamics of self-perception, guilt, and subconscious programming, and learn how to challenge ingrained patterns to embrace your true potential without guilt or self-reproach.

Embrace a mindset of empowerment as Meaghan encourages you to view challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Whether you're new to numerology or seeking to deepen your understanding, this session offers practical insights and strategies to align with your energy profile and unlock your full potential.

And join our Facebook group here, to connect with others on this journey!


50% Complete

Two Step

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