Outsourcing Your Authority - Episode 7

In this episode, Meaghan passionately discusses the importance of trusting your own intuition and not outsourcing your wisdom to external systems. Drawing on her decade-long experience in intuitive guidance, she shares real-life examples of individuals who faced challenges when relying solely on external advice.

Meaghan delves into the idea that charts and readings, whether from numerology or other modalities, can provide valuable insights, but they should not dictate your choices. She challenges the notion of "good" or "bad" matches, emphasizing the significance of self-awareness, personal growth, and effective communication in relationships.

Throughout the episode, Meaghan explores how numerology can reveal the dynamics of relationships and soul contracts, urging listeners to co-create their lives with their intuition as the guiding force. She dismantles the belief that certain aspects absent in a chart limit individuals, encouraging them to find innovative ways to embrace and balance their strengths and weaknesses.

The Alchemy of Numbers podcast invites you to rethink the role of numerology and other intuitive tools, emphasizing that these systems are meant to empower rather than confine.

Tune in to discover the transformative potential of your intuition and unlock the unique energy that shapes your life. Don't miss the next episode as Meaghan continues to unravel the mysteries of numerology and guides you towards an empowered and intuitive existence.


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