Welcome to Alchemy of Numbers.
I'm your host, Megan Alton, and we are going to dive into how you can use numerology, the language of numbers, to expand your intuition, to deepen your relationships, and to create magic in your business.
Let's get into it.
Welcome to the 2024 year ahead forecast.
This is going to be good, you guys.
This is going to be big.
Numerology forecasts, at least the way I do them, are very much a co-creation.
So what that means is I'm going to tap into the energy of the year.
I've already done a ton of prep for you guys.
I always take my calendar and I map out what I feel are the most important days.
But then as we dive in together and we connect in with the energy, it's also going to be very specifically related to the energy of the people in the space.
So this is here for you, whether you're live or the replay, this is very specific to you.
It's not necessarily going to be relevant to everybody in the world because if they haven't raised their hand for this, their energy is not part of this co-creation.
Okay, so I think that's important to say, because sometimes you might hear what I'm saying and you're like, or at least I feel this way sometimes I'm like, is this wishful thinking?
Like, is this possible?
Could this be true?
And the way I look at it is it won't be true for everybody.
It absolutely will not be true for everybody.
It could be true for you.
If you feel and land in your heart and resonance with it, and you choose to co-create with the energies.
Numerology is not, in my opinion, about fortune telling.
I will give you my predictions.
Yes, but this is about energy patterns.
And then it's up to you to decide, am I going to play with this energy or am I going to choose to kind of like step back, opt out, not participate?
Granted, for those of us who are here, many of us know that sometimes the universe has funny ways of, you know, roping us into play, whether we want to or not.
But at the end of the day, what I really strongly encourage you to do is listen to this with your intuition.
And what that means is take what lands and resonates for you.
Let yourself take that.
And if you hear me say something and you're like, nope, that's not a fit for me.
That's okay.
Completely disregard it.
You get to create this with me through engaging your intuition and the whole process.
And so I have a comment in the chat already saying, you know, if you, if you do your own forecast, it might be a little different.
If you listen to another intuitive doing a forecast, it might be different.
And that's why, for those of you, because I know a lot of the people on the call are numerology students of mine.
And also there's tons of you here who are highly intuitive yourselves.
And how this works is I contain an energy energy signature, obviously, you contain an energy signature, obviously, which is why we've been drawn to connect on this call.
And so there's going to be a resonance in that where you're coming here with certain specific questions that I am qualified to share my ideas and energy on.
And that's where it's really important that you be discerning when you listen to people sharing this, you need to decide is this a fit for me?
Is this not a fit for me?
You will pick up different pieces from different places and that's perfectly, that's great.
Take what fits, leave what doesn't.
And that is why forecasts will be different because different energy readers will have different energetic hits based on the code they carry, right?
I am going to be seeing my forecast, our forecast through the lens of my code, right?
And I carry a specific code.
And so those are the eyes that I have to see.
I don't understand what's happening.
If you guys accidentally come off mute, please try to remember mute yourself because I want to make sure that this replay comes off great, off good, but I wish Zoom would auto mute people.
And maybe that's just a setting.
I don't know how to use yet.
First of all, many of you sent me a response to my email, which was so great.
I loved you receiving all of your responses about what you're intending in 2024.
And pretty much all of you are like, I'm calling in greater financial abundance.
Me too.
Me too.
If you are one of those people who are calling in greater financial abundance, please put a one in the chat so I know that we are on the right track.
The other question I asked you guys about was things like health.
I asked about your work, your soul gifts, your energetic contribution.
And the most common responses, yay, all these ones.
So good.
The most common responses I got were number one, financial wellbeing.
This is a strong desire that everyone has right now.
And what I want to say to you is that's because you're aligned with this eight energy.
The other strong desire that a lot of people have right now is to be able to share more freely their natural, intuitive soul gifts.
And again, this is in alignment with the energy of the year.
So if you are one of those people who are like, yes, I would like to understand better how to share my work, understand better how to tap into my soul gifts, understand more about what I meant to do and how I meant to make a difference.
Just pop a two in the chat so I can see where everyone's at with that one.
And then the third one I'm going to speak to is going to be health.
So feel free to pop a three in the chat if health is also relevant to you.
So number one is money.
Number two is your contribution, your soul gifts.
And number three is health.
All right, we're here for all of it.
Okay, let's do it.
I'm going to start off by talking about the entire year as a whole. 2024 is an eight energy year.
Eight is all about commitment, momentum, mastery, devotion and going deep.
Okay, we are coming off the heels of a seven energy year, right?
2023 was all about seven.
And seven was about learning to trust yourself, learning to strengthen your intuitive gifts, learning to have that level of faith and confidence in yourself because of your relationship with support, with source, with spirit, with God, with universal energies, so that you could recognize that, yeah, it's good for me to have my own back 100%.
But I'm not alone in this.
I'm not, I don't, I'm not alone in having my own back.
There is something someone who also has my back too.
And let me know in the chat if you felt that in 2023 that you might have felt yourself going through some hard times.
We all did.
That was you were nobody was the exception in the hard times.
But in seven energy, we go through hard times to learn what we're made of.
Okay, so how many of you felt like you kind of got a bit stronger of a sense as to what you were made of in this past year?
Yes, you were maybe pushed against the wall in scenarios where you were like, I don't know what to do.
I'm at my wit's end.
I'm at the end of my rope.
I don't know what to do.
And you felt like you might have been forced to take a leap of faith or forced to trust something, even though you had no evidence of it.
And sometimes that can feel hard to feel like we're being forced into it like our hand is being forced.
But it's not meant to be painful in a punishment, even though sometimes it is.
It's that idea of being forged.
It's that idea of these challenges are not punishment, challenges are initiation.
And in the seven energy of last year, we were being challenged in our faith, in our trust, and knowing who we are, knowing what we were made of, and having faith that I can take a risk, I can take the leap of faith, and things can turn out for me.
Things can turn out for me.
And some of you are still in that space of like, still waiting for the evidence that things are turning out for me.
I hear that.
I feel that.
And I don't know, does it help to know that you're not off path if you feel that way?
That is seven energy alignment.
Being that we're still December, we're still in 2023.
We're not in 2024 yet, right?
That's definitely part of it.
Yeah, feeling like you were guided in a different way, feeling an awakening, the contraction before the expansion, 100%, having to make new choices.
Yes, figuring out where my true path lies, learning to trust myself.
Yes, this like this makes me so happy.
No one likes going through the fire, right?
No one likes it.
But then sometimes when you come out the other side, you can be like, Wow, like I did that, I pulled that off, even though I had no reason to think I would.
And I kind of thought I was going to fall flat on my face.
But somehow here we are on the other side, right?
We're nearing the other side.
And so going so okay, why am I giving you the backstory on the seven because going into the eight, there's going to be this transition.
Okay, and the eight is saying to you, all right, we showed you what you're made of.
Right last year with the seven, we showed you where you can trust yourself, where you can lean into co creative energies with the universe, deeper relationships with your intuition, your spiritual gifts, deeper relationships with your guides, deeper relationship with God, you know, whatever that means for you with nature with the universe.
And all right, now that you have this in place, what are you going to do with it?
Okay, so if you want a journaling prompt, a question for reflection, maybe jot this down on your page and like start or something, because this is something I would encourage you to sit with.
Ask yourself from 2023.
You know, what did I show myself that I'm now made of?
What was forged within me this year through the challenges and the ups and the downs I went with?
Yeah. trusting that everything is working out for me.
So that's a question to ask yourself.
Because going into eight, for the next 12 months, it is all going to be about devotion, commitment and momentum.
Okay, so we're nicknaming this eight energy year, the year of infinite abundance. abundance feels so good and sounds so good.
And we're all like, yes, please, more financial abundance.
I want to remind you though, that the word abundance doesn't actually mean money.
It actually just means a lot.
So recognizing that your mindset and your discernment is going to be critical in what you're manifesting a lot of, you absolutely have it available to you to create wealth, to create financial abundance and to create physical abundance in whatever capacity that means to you.
It might mean health.
It might mean love.
It might mean money.
We have that available to us because of the strength that we gained last year in 2023.
Okay, so infinite abundance is what's available to us.
The eight is very reminiscent of the infinity sign, right?
If you flip it on its side, it looks like the infinity sign.
It's about momentum.
It's about devotion, commitment, dedication, responsibility, and mastery.
Okay, if you're ever unsure, like what am I doing again this year?
Where am I?
Where should I focus my energy?
The eight is going to say to you, go deep, go deep.
It is not about surface level.
You will have zero tolerance for service level this year.
And so will your people.
Okay, some of you on this call are entrepreneurs and business owners.
And some of you are using this forecast just to feed your soul in family and work and career and personal.
It doesn't matter.
You can do all of it.
I do like to speak to some of the entrepreneurial pieces, because for those of you who know me, know I love and obsessed with numbers in general numerology, but also when it comes to business, that is also a personal passion of mine, as well as something I share in my work.
Because before I became a numerologist, I was an economist, and I studied business and university for six years.
And I feel in my heart of hearts that business is such a source of freedom and liberation for those people who that's a calling to them.
So I'm always going to speak to the entrepreneurs a little bit.
But this is relevant for all of you.
Anything that makes you feel surface level, it's time to put that aside or ask yourself, how can I go deep with this?
If I'm feeling bored, it's either assigned to let it go or take it a step deeper.
If I'm feeling annoyed, frustrated, whatever, it's because I'm not getting fulfilled because the depth isn't there.
So letting yourself take things a little bit deeper is also what's going to help allow the reciprocity to kick in.
So there's a couple of universal laws that are going to be very relevant this year that I want to speak to.
So number one, the law of momentum.
The law of momentum is going to be critical this year.
So if you're noticing things show up, whether it's a physical evidence or thoughts or feelings that you're having, ask yourself, what momentum is this a result of?
If you're having a thought or a feeling, or you're seeing some physical evidence somewhere, that's maybe something that's not your favorite.
I mean, maybe it is your favorite.
Either way, it doesn't matter.
But asking yourself like, Oh, I want to see more of this.
What momentum is this a result of?
Or, Oh, I want to see less of that.
Not liking that so much.
What momentum is this a result of?
It's only showing up as a result of a particular momentum that's at play.
So what can I do to shift that change that change gears, adjust the momentum slightly, or maybe you're loving what's showing up.
And so you're like, Okay, let's we're going all in with this, we're taking it to the next level.
And so I'd love to hear from you guys in the chat, if you have any thoughts, what do you believe creates momentum in your life?
What do you believe is the thing where you're like, Oh, this is the thing that gets that snowball rolling for me.
Beautiful gratitude.
That's such a powerful one.
Yes, where your energy goes, focus and gratitude.
Intention, consistency.
Action, taking action, personal belief, following your heart, following your desires.
Your passion, your gratitude, your consistency, planning.
Excitement and action.
Yes, these are all such great points.
And all of you, depending on your unique codes are going to feel the momentum kick in from different things, right?
If you happen to carry a personal code, that's a lot more mental, let's say, like heavy on the mental energy or mental plane, you're going to notice a lot around mindset work.
Okay, the more mindset work that you do, the more momentum will kick in.
Or if your mind is not working in your favor one day, and you're thinking things, you're like, what is happening?
I'm doubting, I'm second guessing, I'm questioning.
It's like, okay, what can I do to reset some of my thoughts to activate that momentum?
For those of you who have strong emotional centers or strong emotional influence in your codes, it's going to be the feeling, right?
So things like the gratitude practice is going to be really important or activating different things that create a feeling or a felt sense in your body, right?
And then for those people who have a lot of physical energy in their chart, it's going to be doing something, taking action, maybe a practice habit or ritual that's going to activate it for you.
You're going to hear me talk a lot about practices and habits, probably because I'm a seven, right?
And that's a physical number, but that's my lens and that's my frame.
But I also think regardless of what number you are, you can interrupt some of it through the physical, right?
Like if you're in a bad mood and you need to shift your mindset, sometimes going for a walk is the answer, right?
So I would encourage you jot down right now two or three things that you know contribute to a positive momentum in your life.
You know, like the example I just gave, I'm going to go for a walk.
Maybe it's, you know, go and work in a coffee shop.
That's what I love to do to change my momentum.
If I'm feeling like I'm losing creativity at home, I'm just going to go work in a coffee shop for a little bit to shift my energetic state or, you know, exercising, drinking some green juice, hanging out with people who inspire me, listening to a podcast that inspires me.
If you would like me to do your charts for you, I will be sharing at the end or by email how you can get a chart done with me if you want.
There's also some numerologists on the call.
So if you do people's charts, if you're on the call, feel free to pop that in the chat as well.
If somebody wants to know more about the makeup of their code as well.
Yeah, absolutely.
Kevin, being around people, being around people, I tease this out a couple times over the last few weeks, saying community this year is going to be more important than ever.
This is one of my strong predictions in 2024.
Who you surround yourself with matters.
Who you surround yourself with is a make it or break it.
It's always been so, but the importance of this is so strong this year.
You will notice it.
It will be louder than ever.
If you hang out with people who leave you feeling tired or depleted, that is going to be a momentum killer for you because of the way that eight works with momentum.
If you hang out with people who leave you feeling inspired and lit up and excited, that is like pressing on the gas and you will notice things kick into place.
You can hack this.
Some people might be like, "Well, my family is exhausting me."
Get that.
But you can hack this by listening to podcasts, by showing up to calls like this, by having a friend you voice note regularly.
You get that supportive interaction on a regular basis by joining a mastermind group.
There's some people in this call who I met on a mastermind group and that mastermind group was incredible for tapping into creative people who really inspire you and lift you up.
Community is going to be super, super critical this year.
If you have a strong, a small, I should say physical community, that can be a challenge, but be the person to shift it at the energetic or potentially non-physical level through virtual podcasts, mastermind, things like that, and then start to hold space for it in the physical.
Because if you're feeling like your community is small, imagine that's what your neighbor's thinking too, right?
And wishing for that too.
Yes, yes, yes.
Okay, so good.
The second law, which is definitely related to the law of momentum that's going to be at play this year, is the law of compound interest.
And what that means is the actions you put in now may or may not make a difference today.
So if you put a penny in to your bank account today, that will make no difference.
But if you put a penny in today and tomorrow on the next day, on the next day, on the next day, it will make a dramatic difference by the end of the year.
Maybe not a penny, maybe we should go with a dollar because of inflation, right?
When I was in school, they used the penny example.
I feel like that's not even relevant anymore.
But it's the point that, you know, if you read the book Atomic Habits or The Slight Edge, those are great books that talk about the concept of the law of compound interest, where it's like, you know, what's the thing you do every day or most days where if you didn't do it, nobody would notice it would make no difference.
But if you do it, nobody might also notice and it might not also make a difference.
But if you do it every day, you will not be the same person in 30 days.
You will not be the same person by the end of the year.
You will, like, you will notice a dramatic shift.
So thinking to yourself, what is the law of compound interest at play?
What is the snowball effect?
Is the other one I like to think of?
Where you met, I mean, we don't have any snow where I am right now, which is the kids were devastated.
That's all they asked Santa for for Christmas was snow.
But if you start a snowball at the top of the hill and you start rolling, and it grows and it grows, and by the time you get to the bottom of the mountain, it's a giant snowball, right?
What's that thing for you?
And so I want you to tune into your own intuition for a second right now and ask yourself, what is that thing for me that I will get the most leverage out if I use the law of compound interest?
And if you want to write a book, maybe it's like, I'm going to write a sentence a day.
If you are improving your finances, maybe it's I'm going to read a chapter a day or a chapter a week of a money book, or maybe it's I'm going to log my expenses every day or every week, whatever this is, what is the thing that if you did it every day, you would be transformed by the end of the year?
Okay, law of compound interest.
The other one I want to talk about is that's going to be an incredibly important energy this year.
And a law that's going to be at play is going to be the law of compensation or the law of divine compensation.
We talk about this law a lot.
And I do recommend the book by Marianne Williamson, which is called the divine law of compensation.
It's a great book.
But it's this idea of reciprocity, of giving and receiving, of ebb and flow, of outwardly expressing energy and inwardly expressing energy.
When you look at the way the eight is, if you were to like imagine, okay, here, let's play a little mind game together.
Imagine the eight is in a three dimensional object.
And we shifted it.
So the top of the eight was facing towards me in the bottom of the eight was facing towards you.
Okay, we have this swirl of energy going between us like this energy going into you through you out back to me into me through me out back to you.
This is how life works.
Whether you're looking at a person, whether you're looking at a tree, whether you're looking at your business, your family, your children, anything in life, there's this ebb and flow of energy where I give and I receive and I give and I receive and the quality of my life experience is determined by that flow moving.
And that flow flowing without kinks in it, without blocks in it, without like the hose being bent and crooked.
So the eight energy is also going to expand our ability to both give and receive.
So this is another question I want you to use your intuition on and tap into and ask yourself, like, what's the one I want to work on this year?
Do I need to learn how to be a better receiver?
Do I need to learn how to be a better giver?
And maybe what's like one or two ways I can practice that.
In my business school, I often talk about the energy of receiving.
If you're in business and you're not good at receiving, it's really hard to get paid.
Have you ever tried to buy something from someone before and you're like, this feels hard.
Like where's your payment link?
Or how do I pick the thing up?
Or I can't even get ahold of you.
And you're like, I'm trying to pay you money.
And you're like, this is person not even want my business.
That's like a receiving block on the end of that business owner.
And so as business owners, one of the things we can practice doing is making it more comfortable for ourselves to receive.
And one of the ones I always say is, can you just say thank you when someone wants to do something for you?
Like if someone wants to open the door at the grocery store for you, can you say thank you?
If someone offers to let you go first in the lineup at the coffee shop, can you say thank you?
Or do you need to be like, Oh, no, I'm fine.
And so this idea of practicing, giving and receiving financially, as well as energetically, it's the same, right?
It's the same.
Yeah, it's true.
A lot of people struggle with receiving.
And giving, having a good relationship with giving and receiving comes with having good and healthy boundaries.
It's safe to give and receive when you have good and healthy boundaries.
And when you trust yourself to establish good and healthy boundaries, it feels bad to give when you give until you're depleted, but that's not their problem.
That's our problem for not knowing what my boundary is around giving, right?
Or when too much is too much, right?
That's on me to sort out.
And this is where the eight is going to have lessons for us this year.
If you give until you burn yourself out, it's going to hurt you this year, right?
It's going to hurt you because you're disrupting that eight energy flow.
I just got you to visualize with me.
If I'm like only letting energy go out to you and I've blocked this flow, I've now ruined the divine law of compensation.
Like who am I to interrupt such a beautiful law, right?
But I've kinked that hose.
Now the energy can't flow in this pattern anymore.
That's a problem, right?
And so it's really important to think like, you know, what do I need to do?
And for those of you who are service providers, coaches, healers, energy workers, anybody really dealing with the public, you're going to notice this in your clients too, right?
I see somebody in the chat talking about like, you know, their people over giving and how that's affecting them, right?
We all know over giving leads to burnout.
So if you're a service provider, a coach, a healer, someone like that, if this is coming up with your clients, you have the head start now.
Like, you know, this is going to be a thing this year.
So if you have tools to teach people about boundaries, if you have tools to teach people about healthy giving and receiving, like please market them, please share them with the world, please shout it to the rooftops because you are needed.
That energy is going to be needed this year.
Yes, yes, yes.
So those are the three laws that are going to be most important.
There's a couple of sub themes I'm going to dive into.
Let's do that now.
Hey, how you guys do it?
Okay, let's just, I get so excited, right?
I'm like, I'll take a drink of my coffee.
Before I dive into this next piece, how are we doing?
Are you guys feeling me on this?
Is this resonating?
Any top of mind questions that you need burning Lee answered before I move on to the next section where I'm going to go into some more of the sub themes.
So the three laws I just discussed is the law of momentum, the law of compound interest, and the law of compensation.
I will be sharing the replay out with you guys.
So if you're ever questioning, like if there's a section you need to re listen to again, just note the time, right?
We're 35 minutes in.
So note the time.
And that way, when you get the replay, you can kind of fast forward to that section and, and listen to it again.
I do recommend as well.
It's a great idea to notice the timestamps because for me, whenever I had received a forecast that I really like, I'll go back and re listen, right?
So you can re listen to this, you know, partway through the year at, you know, Q1 or Q2 or whatever, and just kind of just see what's landing for you and what you're picking up along the way as you grow through this journey.
Okay, so eight energy.
One of the biggest things with the eight energy is going to be our relationship with power.
Our relationship with power is going to be at the forefront this year.
Now, when you, when I say the word power, there's going to be lots of different images and visuals that come to mind for you.
Most of us have been programmed in society with an unhealthy view of what power is, right?
Because we're shown lots of examples of toxic and unhealthy power usage.
That is not the only type of power there is.
I would love for you guys to just pop in the chat and let me know, like, what do you think is, makes power healthy?
Like, if you could add something to power or, or, or if there was some way of describing a healthy power, what would it be that you think would make power healthy?
Love, choice, autonomy, empathy.
Yes, autonomy is a healthy power.
Being sovereign, absolutely heart-centered, boundaries and open communication, intention, wisdom, light energy, knowledge, confidence.
Oh my God, you guys are such rock stars.
I'm like, I want all of you to have more power, please.
Because if more power equals more of all the things you just said, is that not what the world needs right now?
Like, is that not what the world needs?
Oh my gosh.
Yes, inner strength, assertiveness, openness, discernment.
Being direct.
I freaking love this.
I have a theory.
I'd love to hear honesty and humility.
I have a theory that the type of power we're used to seeing in the world has an overdeveloped, active, I'm going to say masculine energy to it.
I do not mean masculine as a man.
I mean masculine as outwardly expressive, directive focused energy.
We have not seen as many healthy examples of a more feminine energy.
Power, I should say.
Power energy maybe could be used interchangeably and maybe that's a question to ask yourself if you, how you feel about that.
But when I say feminine, I do not mean woman because men and women can both have feminine and masculine expressions of power and ideally should, but not to like bury the lead here.
What would be some healthy examples of feminine expressed power?
Things like knowing yourself, knowing who you are so that boundaries can be in place.
Receptivity, right?
Understanding, interconnectedness, collaborative approach, right?
These tend to be a more inward expression of energy.
And you can literally think of like electrical plugs, right?
The feminine plug is the inward plug.
The masculine plug is the outward plug, right?
Men and both, right?
There's men that don't express healthy masculine energy.
There's women that don't express healthy feminine energy.
It's all one and the same.
And one of the eight energy, I'm going to say desires, right?
Leading with softness and grace.
Thank you for that Sloan.
That is so, so beautiful.
Leading with softness and grace, leading with awareness of who I'm walking with, leading with awareness of who's beside me or not beside me, leading with awareness of the impact up and down side to side of choices and actions, right?
These are all things.
The eight energy, because it's that flowing in and out is going to show us where there's an out of balance energy that might be triggering for you on one side or the other, depending on what you're surrounded with.
You might notice unhealthy masculine power and unhealthy feminine power.
And it's not to be mean or to irritate or to punish us.
It's because we know what we want when we experience what we don't want.
We know what correction to be made when we experience something that's not true for us or not accurate or not right for us.
So when you're noticing, whether it's something you see outside of you, like in society, on the news, on social media, in your friend group, at work, or something you feel within you, the invitation is to say to yourself, "Ooh, okay, this is uncomfortable.
Like, ooh, this doesn't feel right for me.
Like, hmm, I wonder what this imbalance is illuminating for me.
Like, hmm, why am I seeing this?
What is this asking of me to explore, to learn, to play with?"
All of us said, I'm going to say all of us, maybe not every single one of us, but the vast majority of us said at the start of the call, we're looking to activate greater financial abundance in the eight energy year.
Some people will automatically think that means going directly into the more masculine relationship with power and striving forward towards something.
And that might be true if you've experienced a lot of more feminine power for a while.
Maybe the balance is that.
But like, hmm, if this isn't feeling right to me, how can I get curious about an integrated approach?
This is going to be the goal by the end of the year.
We're not going to get there in January or February, perhaps by like September or October.
We are going to, as individuals, which will affect the collective, have a better understanding of how to harmonize those energies within our own unique individual.
And this is really powerful because whatever we say things like, "I want to shift the collective," right?
Or, "I would like society to have more x, y, and z."
Society is made up of a million individuals.
The collective is made up of a million individuals.
So one of the greatest things you can do is decide how that energy plays within you and let your energetic body be the influence, right?
So we all know we walk around with this giant bubble, right, of electromagnetic energy that we come into contact with people all the time.
And that is what's going to determine the types of interactions we have with people.
It doesn't take a lot of us to start to shift that collective vibe.
It really, really doesn't.
Yes, the pebble in the pond concept.
That is how you know when you're in the right room or you're in the wrong room.
You can be aware of that and exit the room.
Or you can also check in with yourself and be like, "Hmm, I wonder what I can do in my energetic bubble that might actually flavor the room just slightly," right?
What can I do?
Because this is the eight's devotion.
Remember I mentioned devotion, dedication, discipline, and responsibility with the eight.
The eight's like not going to back down from a challenge.
Again, use your discernment as to what's right for you, but also be willing to put in the hard work sometimes, right?
You can trust yourself to have your own back because you learned that last year.
Like you learned your yeses and nos last year.
So tuning in and giving yourself permission to be like, "Hmm, yeah, like I can feel this is a growth edge for me.
It feels a little uncomfortable.
Is it a no or is it a growth edge?"
Let me just pause for a minute and ask that question because if it's a growth edge, this is an opportunity for my responsibility to kick in, my discernment to kick in, and maybe some opportunities, right?
Yes to showing up in our fullest and brightest energy.
It is magic.
Thank you for articulating that so beautifully, Leanne.
You have the power to shift the energy in a room of a hundred people.
Take that to heart.
You absolutely do.
This is why, remember I mentioned earlier, community is critical because if I'm going to go into a room of a hundred people, potentially to shift it, and whether it's a physical room or a virtual room, it doesn't matter, right?
It's either, both and whatever.
But if I'm going to do that, what makes that possible for me is that I also have a home base energy that's so nourishing to me, right?
That has my back, that will hold me, that will have those conversations with me, that recharge me, right?
You need that.
It's so critical this year.
If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room, right?
So I kind of hinted at this through power.
Another theme, okay, so, so far, hopefully you guys are all with me so far.
One of the sub themes being power, one of the sub themes being leadership.
Leadership and power.
That's maybe a journaling question to ask yourself.
Like how do these play into together?
How do these inter interact with each other?
But leadership, one of the things around leadership that's really, really going to be coming up this year is the concept of service based leadership, heart based leadership.
Not the leadership to be like the figurehead at the front to get the accolades, but the leadership of like, we're all in this together.
We're all working together and my, the indicator of my success would be, do I feel I can make a difference?
And how can I make a difference?
And in what way can I show up in service?
This leadership energy is going to be solid gold this year.
It's going to be so nourishing to people that people will gravitate towards it.
People are hungry for heart based connection for truth, for integrity, right?
Which also requires, I think I talked about this for like two years in a row, but it keeps coming up over and over again.
It also requires the collapse of pedestals.
If we have people on pedestals, it is a hard fall for them or for us or for anybody, right?
Whether it's us on the pedestal or we put someone else on the pedestal, that is a residual energy from a hierarchy, right?
And it's created an imbalance of power for many, many years.
And so now we're learning how to honor and have respect for leadership while still recognizing the humanness, the humbleness, the integrity, and who we're walking with, right?
So, pedestaling is potentially a trigger depending on where you're at on your journey of understanding that energy and that pattern.
It might trigger you when you see it, or you might naturally be able to disentangle from it, but just noticing for yourself.
I will say that your triggers are sacred.
That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or where you're at or what your journey is.
Your triggers are simply showing you what is your next opportunity, right?
What is the next opportunity for you to work with, right?
Yes, absolutely, Kirsten.
Pedestal-ing starts the power over situation way too easily.
Way too easily.
Yes, community, energy, give and receive.
Yes, absolutely.
Kevin's saying, "I'm feeling the need to start a weekly group of like-minded people to collaborate and encourage each other through the coming year."
That will be critical this year.
I would say that would be a huge success this year.
People need to be surrounded by open, honest, integrity, heart-centered people who give them life, right?
We can do that for each other.
Okay, so leadership, humble, balanced, integrated feminine, masculine.
Whether you identify in whichever way you do, you're going to need to learn how to run feminine and masculine energy through your body and integrate both so that you can decide when you need to pull out which tool.
They're just tools to be used in different settings, right?
Which can you use and when?
Looking back in your own personal history, which is the overdeveloped and which is the underdeveloped, right?
How can I play with that to create some integration within me?
It is playful, right?
This is not meant to be hard.
It's meant to be playful and fun if you think of them as archetypes within you.
Sometimes I play this game with myself where I'm like, "I have this board of directors in my head," right?
And they each have different ideas.
Kind of like, "What's that movie with all the feeling people having names?"
There's like joy and whatever.
Anyways, you guys know what I'm talking about, right?
So inside out, thank you.
But I have this board of directors in my head and each one of them is good at different things.
And each one of them has different interests in different situations and they can run the show or I can run the show, but I can call on them and be like, "Hey, you're great at this, this archetypal energy within my head.
You can take the lead on this," right?
Or, "Hey, this is actually something where we actually need two people to lead this with these two energies.
You can run with this," right?
For those of you who know your numerology chart, you can also think of this as the various different influences in your chart.
These are the things that come natural to you and that you're strong at.
You can give them jobs, right?
You can also tell them to take a back seat because it's somebody else's turn to step in for a minute.
You can do both, but this is that level of discernment and responsibility.
The other theme I want to bring up is your nervous system.
I think I've maybe hinted at it through talking a lot about community and through talking a lot about knowing, like if I'm mental, emotional, or physical, what are the things that keep my energy in check, right?
But your nervous system is going to be your greatest flex this year.
What that means is when you experience disruption, dysregulation, how can you get yourself back to a place of centered this, right?
And not from a place of like, you know, being mad at ourselves if we have a reaction or if we this, or like that's normal and that's good and like express your feelings, but are you working with your nervous system or are you just completely unaware as to what's happening?
Your ability to stay present with yourself is directly proportionate to your ability to stay present with your circumstances, right?
And then to stay present with your family and to stay present with your clients and to stay present with your loved ones, to stay present with your own goals, right?
Because if I can't stay present with myself, how am I going to stay present with my goal to grow my income this year or to grow my business this year or to improve my health this year or to find love this year, whatever my goal might be.
If I can't stay present with my own self, right?
And so your ability to do that with your nervous system is going to be so important.
If you are someone who does nervous system work or teaches your clients how to do that or supports people in that capacity, your work is going to be very, very needed this year.
And I would recommend all of us think of what are the ways that I do that with myself, whether it's a self-study, getting support, reading a book, whatever that is, because we want depth this year.
Remember, the eighth wants depth.
Depth can only be sustained with presence, right?
And the presence can only be sustained through a healthy regulated nervous system.
Otherwise we check out, right?
We're maybe physically in the room, but totally not.
Being grounded in the body and connected to the earth.
Yes, absolutely.
More hiking this year for me every year I say that more, more please.
I'm like, I could probably do 10 K a day and still want more, please.
So that kind of sums up the opportunities I see coming in this year.
I'm going to very quickly cover some of the challenges.
You guys will know for those of you who've been here for a while, you know this about me, I always pick the opportunity side because that's what I want to see more of.
So that's what I tend to focus on, but energy runs in bands of polarity.
So with every opportunity, there's also an associated challenge.
Whether you're experiencing the challenge or the opportunity, the band of energy is the same.
It's just where do you land on the band?
And if you happen to land on the challenge side, it's an invitation for some alchemy work.
It's an invitation to transform that energy.
It's an invitation for a particle wave collapse to create a photon of light.
And that's up to us to do the work, to reach out to support, to work with a healer or a coach or whatever that is, or do the inner work on our own, whatever that looks like.
So some of the challenges to be aware of, and I really want to stress, if you are going through these challenges, you're not doing it wrong.
You're actually, you've given yourself an invitation and an opportunity to create something.
If things are only ever good, you are not being forged.
If you have these challenges, you're being refined.
And you're being given opportunity to figure out where, where's the next growth edge?
Where's the next growth edge?
So some of the challenges that will come up with the eight energy, number one, I think is going to be the biggest is imposter syndrome.
So because the eight cares about depth and devotion and responsibility and commitment and showing up fully, those are all things that eight loves.
The shadow of that is like, Oh my God, I see so-and-so doing all these things and I'm not doing them.
And that means I'm not good enough.
And who even cares what I have to say and who even cares what I have to think?
That downward spiral imposter syndrome story.
And you know, oof, right?
Like oof, imposter syndrome, it's like someone said this to me a long time ago.
It's like, if you question, am I being a good enough mom?
You've answered your own question because a good mom would only be the person to ask if they were being a good mom.
So an imposter syndrome, if you experience doubts, like am I good enough to be doing what I'm doing?
Should I be doing what I'm doing?
Do people care what I have to say?
By very definition, that means that you truly are invested.
I want to work with someone who's invested, not someone who takes it for granted.
Impostor syndrome doesn't mean you believe it and check out.
It means you say to yourself, ooh, that's because I really care.
That's because I really care.
And that's one of the integrated leadership.
We talked about a little bit earlier, that feminine masculine integrated leadership, right?
It's like, I really care.
I want a leader who really cares.
So let me be that then.
If I doubt myself, that's because I care.
And then I can decide what am I going to do with that?
Am I going to believe the thought and let it check me out?
Or am I going to say, Megan, you're questioning things because you care.
So what's next?
Practice more, study more, do more sessions, get some feedback.
What is my discipline?
Because the eight cares about discipline, the antidote to imposter syndrome is to say, it's because I care.
Now, how do I go deeper?
How do I go deeper?
And maybe it's like you take another class, or maybe it's like you work with a mentor to help you.
None of us are meant to walk this path along, right?
To go back to the point on community, you find your community.
You can find community in free places and paid places.
If it's a free place, it's going to require more effort and energetic investment on your part.
If it's a paid place, it's a lot easier effort and effort and energetic wise, and it costs a little bit of money.
Either way, you've got to pay for something, whether it's your energy and time or financially, right?
If you want to build a community like that, that's beautiful.
It could be a free way of getting that.
If you're like, I don't have time for that, then buy into a mastermind, hire a mentor, whatever that feels like to you so that you're not sitting there questioning your own thoughts and just looping around on it.
Yes, yes, yes, we all needed that.
Number two, distraction from your purpose.
Eight wants to go deep, eight cares about depth.
You will be challenged on your ability to go deep by being distracted.
And then you'll need to ask yourself, what's true for me right now?
Is this where I need to go?
Or is this reminding me that's what's truly important is the depth that I have to take this.
The challenges are meant to bring you back to your center.
They're not meant to take you out of the game.
They're meant to bring you back to your center.
The other challenge that I feel you'll notice a lot externally is going to be the misuse of power.
You will probably notice this a lot externally, and it will probably make you crazy.
And it will probably make you question, what am I doing?
Why am I here?
Who put me here?
What the heck?
How can people be like this?
Okay, I don't understand what's happening.
If something happens with your mutes, please, please, please try to keep it because it's echoing.
And I want to make sure we have good, good sound.
Um, yeah, so, you know, there's a couple things that can come up if you are being triggered by the misuse of power externally, you can dig even deeper as to what's true for you, and choose to be an embodiment of that expression.
You can one of the ways that I think is helpful to do this is if you guys know Byron Katie's the work, those questions are great in helping you kind of recenter yourself and reminding yourself not to go out there too far because that's a distraction.
Oh, I don't even know what this is.
I'm going to click enable and see what happens.
Um, yeah, if someone has their phone in their pocket, it might be unmuting on purpose or by accident, then that could be the answer.
So hopefully we can keep it muted.
Yeah, so misuse of power, it might be very triggering to you.
But sometimes it's a reminder for me when I noticed the misuse of power, simply reminding myself that, ooh, the ugly needs to be dug up to be healed, to be transformed, to be transmuted, to be noticed so that we can shift it.
And I can make a new choice.
I can't choose for everybody, but I can choose for me.
How am I going to choose to engage, interact or not?
How am I going to use choose to invest my time and how am I going to choose to invest my expression?
So that's going to be the misuse of power.
Don't let it flip you into hopelessness.
That's not going to be helpful for anybody, right?
Asking yourself, okay, I'm, this is annoying as hell.
This is maddening as hell.
How do I get back to my own center so I can choose from my place of power here?
Rather than falling kind of like into victim mode.
Mirrors and triggers around integrity.
That's the other challenge that's going to come up.
We talked a lot about leadership and healthy expression of leadership.
So we're going to notice unhealthy expression and a lack of integrity.
Again, this is just asking you, what kind of life do you want to be a part of?
And if you notice stuff where you're like, I'm not choosing that.
Then mindfully stop choosing it and mindfully make a different choice.
Like, Ooh, this is another opportunity for me to choose again.
I don't like what's happening over here.
I'm going to go play over here.
Like mindfully, you will be given solutions if you ask for them.
If you just slip into, Oh my God, this is horrible.
You will not be given a solution.
But if you simply pause and find your center and say, okay, what's right for me?
What's true for me?
How do I move forward in alignment with what I believe?
Then you'll be dropped in the solution real quick.
It happens every time.
Lack of commitment to your process.
I think this is maybe related to distraction.
But if you have a process, if you have a daily practice, a morning routine, a thing you do when you sit at your desk, whatever it is, pick one that focuses you.
Focus creates momentum.
Remembering about the law of momentum.
What are those teeny little things that I do every single day that add up big when I'm consistent?
And then finally, the last one I'm going to say is the giving up three feet from gold one.
I think that's from Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich.
The whole story about the gold mine and the guy was digging and digging and digging and digging.
And then was like, there's no gold here.
Sold his gold mine to somebody else.
Turns out there was gold.
You only had to dig three more feet and he would have found it.
That's going to be one of the challenges is the temptation to be like, it's not working and I give up.
You'll know if that's true for you or if it's fear talking.
You'll know.
But that definitely is going to be one of the sabotages because the eight likes depth.
We talked a lot about eight.
I want to know in the chat, what's the piece where you're like, oh, that's the bit I needed to hear.
That's what I needed to hear.
Like that was the thing.
What's landed with you guys?
Keep digging in the wrong places.
Well, then you're going to know where not to dig.
That's good.
Imposter syndrome perspective.
The gold mine story.
Three feet from gold.
Continuing to work on receiving.
Imposter syndrome, imposter syndrome and distraction.
I love this.
Now that you know, you can do something.
Is this a growth point for me?
I mean, I honestly feel like I, I basically in my own life, renamed triggers as sacred triggers.
And I just really look at them as opportunities to either do alchemical work for myself or what I believe is potentially alchemical work for my community.
And obviously I can't do other people's work for them, but I can notice the energies and consciously choose how I'm engaging with them.
And when you think of the fact that, like I always say that we are all energy.
We know that right?
We're pure energy with a physical body attached to it.
So you are all born into a particular energy pattern based on your numerology code, based on the code of who you are.
And so let's just say you were meant to be an amethyst crystal.
You were born as an amethyst crystal.
That is a grid.
You are gridding to create an entire, a beautiful grid of energy that contains amethyst and citrine and adventuring and whatever, every color of the rainbow.
And if that amethyst wasn't there, the energy of that grid would change.
So I can't do anything about the other people, crystals in the grid, but I can do something about being the embodiment of my energy.
And that actually shifts things, right?
That actually shifts things.
So to me, that's that reminder.
When I'm feeling off center, I'm like a dull, cloudy, unpolished crystal.
Let me clear my energy center and stand in that strength.
Again, this is going to be such an important skill with eight because it is about power and you centering and finding your center and standing in that, that is you being healthily connected to your power and then being willing to let that ripple out.
Sometimes those ripples will go places and sometimes they won't.
That's not your business.
It's literally not your business.
It's such a bit of a challenge for us.
Focus creates momentum, reciprocity.
I love it.
Asking ourselves the question, what momentum is this a result of?
Love it.
Love it.
Love it.
Last year I learned to rely on myself.
Imagine if we just kept telling ourselves that, you know, like through all the shit I went through last year, I learned to rely on myself.
Not, we're not going to glorify isolation in that statement, but we are going to glorify our own level of discernment, trust, intuition, and self-connection.
Imposter syndrome.
I'm just reading comments here.
Heart centered leadership, depth, sacred triggers.
When it gets boring, go deeper.
I have read the Alchemist.
It's such a great book.
Thank you.
Embodiment of energy, centering and standing in our power.
I thank you, Lynette.
Honestly, if you take nothing from this, from this call, with all the fancy words around it, it's like, whatever's going on, whatever's happening out here, let me come back to here.
Like anchor, center, like polish my energy.
And whatever way that means to you.
And then I get to have my energy be at cause now.
Rather than in reaction.
That will change everything.
That is healthy leadership.
That is healthy expression of power.
And the cool thing about that is for those of you who also said you want to work on your intuition and your soul gifts, that is strengthening it.
Every single time you do that, it will get stronger and stronger and stronger.
It will be so powerful because your, your power and your energy that, that is what's available for you to use.
That's what's available for you to work with.
And then you get to play with it however you want.
So we're basically at the one hour mark.
I told you guys, this is going to be long.
So it is what it is.
I want to just maybe speak to that for a quick second.
Some, some people find 20 found 2023 hard.
Some people found it easier.
I would hazard to guess that more than 50% found it hard in general, odd numbers are hard, harder than even numbers.
This is a generalization.
It's not a guarantee.
So I'm not saying that it's always going to be this way, but in general, an odd number, like a seven, is more challenging.
It's a disrupting number.
You were meant to have been disrupted last year.
So if you were disrupted, good job, you're on track.
Like that's not a problem.
That's, that's just the human and ass hates change.
It hates when things feel bad and wrong and messed up.
Like I get that it sucks, but also reminding ourselves like, yeah, the seven disrupted me.
That's kind of the seven's job.
Like I'm here.
I'm standing.
What was forged in me?
And what did I learn?
I am a seven and I have lots of seven energy in my chart.
It was hard for me too.
It was incredibly hard for me and I love seven energy in so many ways, but I also like look at challenge differently at this stage in my life.
And I don't know if it's because I'm a seven, but sometimes I'm like, Oh, it's hard.
Like let's just go through it.
Like let's just like, instead of trying to run away from it, what's that story of the Buffalo cycling about the Buffalo is the only animal that walks into the storm because it's like, if you walk into the storm and meet it headfirst, you're going to come out the other side a lot faster than if you try to run away from it and the storm's chasing you.
Then it's going to last like three days rather than one day.
So like, like the seven is like, let's just, let's just fucking do it.
Let's just do it.
Let's just figure it out in the challenge.
I will become clear in the challenge.
I'll get my answers.
I'll know what's true and what's not true.
I mean, if I come out upside down or right side up, at least I have my answer, right?
At least now I know.
And now I can do something different.
And I know that that makes it sound light.
And I know it's not, some people went through stuff that wasn't light.
I know that.
And that's hard.
And it's important to give yourself a space for both whenever you possibly can deal with the intensity of it first, obviously, hopefully with some support and then eventually give yourself space for both.
Eight in general is, it's an even number, obviously, in general, even numbers tend to be more balanced.
Eight is two fours.
Four tends to be relatively lucky.
Even the eight energy that we're dealing with this year is made up of a four and two twos.
The twos represent intuition and connection and collaboration.
The four represents grounded structure and leadership.
So these are the themes that are going to be happening all year round.
So when something is a theme, you're going to experience the high side of it as well as the low side of it.
Well, your intuition is probably the strongest it's ever been in your entire life right now, thanks to the seven.
So you have the intuition part dialed in.
The connection and the collaboration part will be part of your lesson to learn this year, depending on where you're at with connection and collaboration, which is why community is so important.
And then the four is all about structured leadership, which we talked a lot about, right?
So systems, leadership, benevolent leadership, healthy leadership, integrated leadership, all those pieces.
So I do think a prediction could be this year will be relatively easier.
However, that doesn't mean it's without its challenges.
So yeah, I love it.
You guys are, you guys are feeling the description between all the different numbers.
Yeah, totally.
All right.
So that about sums up the universal forecast for 2024.
Now that is a universal forecast, which means it is relevant to a collective group of people.
Each of us are going to have our own patterns and cycles that we are going to be experiencing at the individual level.
So it's really important to take into account that these things will impact you for sure.
Your environment and the circumstances around you definitely impact you.
And the areas where you have a lot of power to influence the areas where you've got a lot of space to create alchemy.
Those are definitely within your personal codes and your personal charts.
So if you're curious to learn more about your personal code, your personal chart, please reach out to me.
I would love to connect with you on what that looks like.
And in the meantime, know that I'm going to be sharing with you monthly updates as we go, but you can come back to this at any point in time because this forecast is going to be relevant for the entire year.
And it will really give you a strong sense as to what's happening in the world around you, whether it be with your family, with your client base and how it's impacting you.
So I love to hear from you.
Let me know what is the piece that really clicked and landed with this forecast.
Look forward to hearing from you.
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Thank you so much.
And we'll see you next time.