What is more complicated, painful and anxiety inducing than our relationship with Money?

💕When things are good, we love and praise it, and want more.

😡When times are tough, we get frustrated, anxious and demonize it.

Money stress triggers our basic survival... and yet, we inadvertently push it away.  

What if you and Money can love each other gently, in a secure, grounded, healthy way?

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Money trauma is a thing.

It can cause us to pull away from things that we love and are passionate about.

We land in struggle mode, where everything feels hard.

In business, it can cause even the most simple tasks to feel like you are fighting against a current (🙋‍♀️anyone else spend 2 hour staring at a blank screen or checking Instagram for the 10th time when you have an email to write🤦‍♀️??.

And truly, you are fighting a current.

🌊Money is Currency🌊

When we have Money trauma… the current is pushing Money away.

Because Money hurts… it can cause struggle, pain, and suffering. Or at least… that is what we have CODED into our nervous system.

We are running an IMPRINT, a PROGRAM that Money is painful.

As long as this CODE is running things, Money will continue to feel hard, painful, unreliable, inconsistent, and elusive.

But you didn't think you were destined to struggle with Money, did you?

Your Money relationship is not set in stone. And it impacts all of us, regardless of income level and socio-economic status.

Just like any relationship, it can be healed, transformed and uplifted. 

⭐️When you heal your relationship with Money, you will unlock a frequency that will ripple waves of healing out to every area in your life.⭐️

Because Money represents so much.

Stability. Protection. Safety. Security. Love. Approval. Validation. 

When you transform your relationship with Money, your relationship with your very existence will change. Your confidence will grow. You will engage in your life purpose differently. Your relationships will evolve. Your love experiences will expand. Your Spiritual Connection will grow.

✨It is said that Love and Money are two sides of the same coin.
And Money represents our ability to feel safe and secure in life.✨

Healing Currency will transform your relationship with Money in 21 days, so that you can feel a sense of confidence, trust, clarity, and safety that will allow you to follow your heart, trust your intuition, and truly live a rich, prosperous, abundant, meaningful life. 


Healing Currency Program

⭐️40 page Healing Currency Workbook.

⭐️Video training, including edited Q&A sessions.

⭐️6 modules on-demand, so you can work through them at your pace.

⭐️Submit your questions as you work through the content, so I can support you as you go.

1. Money Drama

Understand the root of your Money relationship struggle and challenge. Identify other life areas being hurt by unhealthy Money.

2. Forgiving Money

The pressure, demonization and struggle blamed on Money is unimaginable. Take concrete steps to heal toxic Money relationships.

3. Establish new Money Frequency

Clarity and ceremony for you and Money, so you can set the foundation of a healthy, secure, sacred relationship.

4. Foundations of your Money Hero story

Begin to write your new Money story that is being birthed through the challenges and struggles you have faced. Transmute pain into expansion.

5. Loving Money Anchors

Using anchors and a practice to form new habits and neuropathways to honour your Money Hero story. This is where your new money relationship truly forms.

6. Establish your Abundance Bank

Daily practice activate abundance, love, and honour with Money. This practice creates longevity with grounded peace and Money.

Let's do this together.

I am taking my 6 years studying Econ and Finance in University, my 12 years in business, and the wisdom from the 5 different money trainings I have provided over the years... and opening up the BEST money program I have ever created 🤗🤗🤗

Healing Currency is for you if:
✅You are over the money drama and financial rollercoaster, and want to create a secure, healthy grounded relationship with Money.
✅You are ready to invest a little money, a bit of effort, and some time to establish a new Money relationship.
✅You GET that Money is more than the 1s and 0s in our bank account. It's energy, and it flows into all areas of our life, and you are ready to look at the root issues to heal your bank balance.

Healing Currency is NOT for you if:
❌You are in a financially abusive or duress situation. Msg me, and I will happily share options with you.
❌You don't have the desire to pay with your TIME and ATTENTION to heal your relationship with Money. This is not a magic wand scenario. This is like any relationship - effort is key.
❌You don't believe that energy is at cause or you are looking for a quick fix rescue scenario. Beauty, the power is in your hands and I will show you.

Regular price $297

Currently $149 for a limited time!!

Email me at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram if you have Qs for me!

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Hi Beauty! My name is Meaghan Alton.

And, let's be real. I LOVE Money. And this started from a young age… when most 80s kids were playing Barbie or GI Joe, I was playing “Bank” with my sisters.

I developed multiple income streams by age 12. And I decided then and there that money = freedom. Particularly freedom of choice.

What makes me qualified to be your guide to Heal Currency?

2002 - Graduated with the highest marks in my Business Degree grad class, with a concentration in Econ and Finance.

2007 - Graduated with a Master’s Degree in Econ

2007 - Worked as an Economic Forecaster for the Government of Alberta in the Dept of Finance.

Developed my own body of work around money - our relationship with it in the physical realm, as well as understanding the energetics of money.  

I taught many money programs over the years.

2016 - Sacred Money Archetypes
2018 - The Practice of Prosperity
2018- Prosperity Map
2019 - Master Your Money Cycle
2020 - Momentum of Money

But then… my money work went on hold. I was asked a few times by dear clients if I would teach on money again, but I could feel that something was coming, and I wasn't ready yet. IT wasn't ready yet.

And now I understand why. 
I was called to go deeper.
To understand Money in the physical realm (business and entrepreneurship). And also in the energetic realm. To truly understand the energetic currents that underpin our relationship with Money.

Money has a consciousness to it.
And we are in relationship with it.

And just like our relationships with people, it can be healthy and secure. Or toxic, plagued by stress, drama and tension. And the tension with money has been growing rapidly since 2020 on a collective level.

Money trauma is a thing. Even when you are objectively doing ok. Like, life is good. Business is fine (well, maybe just ok, or even meh).

But you are stuck in a state of freeze.

Because let’s be real… money is a proxy for feeling safe, secure and ok in this world.

Money is survival.

And when we aren’t feeling ok, it can spill into so many areas in life.

AND it can impact the level of trust we have with ourselves.

If you are ready to heal your relationship with money, and create a healthy, secure, stable relationship with MONEY… beauty, you are in the right place. Let's do this together.

💕Meaghan xo