⚑️It's YOUR turn to see the energy in pathways... creating openings for you.

Energy looks like pathways to me. Like a network of wires or cables moving some things forward, and holding some things back.  

When I look at someone’s numerology chart, I can very clearly see energy running through pathways… like roadways on a landscape.

AND… I see energy in this way too… (you can too for yourself AND your clients.)

You can see where there are traffic jams and stagnant energy.

You can see where there are opportunities for abundant energy exchange, increasing sales.

You can see where there is an ask for sharing education, insights and teachings.

You can see where there is wellbeing expanded through rest.

You can see where Soulmate clients are craving deeper connection and engagement.

You can see opportunities to expand impact and income.

When you share this with your clients… you can open up a world of possibility for them.

A way of working WITH the energies in their life… rather than fighting against it.


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