🍾 A message in a bottle 🤗

I scribbled something on a piece of paper… and doodled hearts and stars and bubbles around the edges. I shoved it into the bottle… and walked down the steep hill in the hot sun. As I walked, my mind began to wander...

Who would find my bottle?
What would they think?
Would they phone me?
How long would it take?
How would they feel?

I tossed it into the lake… with so much hope, excitement… and a knowing that the bottle would find someone I was destined to connect with.

As a little girl, I knew there were others out there who desired to connect with me. I knew magic happens when Soul Aligned people come together.

I see all of us as puzzle pieces 
We all have the little piece that sticks out… this is our medicine. The gift we carry. The energy we have that others desire to experience. It is what we are here to share and contribute with others. This is the “answer” energy you carry.

And we all have the little hole, the little empty...

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