Consent-Based Marketing & Quiz Funnels

Why is consent SO important, and WHY does it matter in business & sales?

Because when someone CONSENTS... they open their energy, their heart, and their mind.

This is one of the things I LOVE about a Quiz Funnel.


With a quiz, you’re INVITING your audience into a conversation they actually WANT to have!

You’re giving them the power to raise their hand and say:

"YES! I want to know more." 

"YES! I want a personalized solution."

Here’s why it works: 

 Permission-based: They take your quiz because THEY CHOSE to. That’s instant permission to build trust. 

 Personalized AF: Forget generic. The results speak directly to THEIR needs. It’s like magic. 

Specific, solution-oriented value: Deliver real value. Offer solutions. Let them raise their hands, ready to solve their problem.

This is WHY I am obsessed with QUIZZES in your marketing plan.

It REQUIRES the right business model for it to work... want to...

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