🎋"I choose to play in the Abundance economy"

"I choose to play in the Economics of Abundance."

Pull up with your cup of tea or hippie coffee... because this is a university level convo about the Abundance Economy.

I just received the most lovely feedback from someone who signed up for my marketing workshop (thank you beautiful soul ).

I share my work freely and generously (this person was thanking me for that).
I believe in generosity and abundance, and so this always feels good for me to do so.
There is no catch. I genuinely WANT to share it with anyone who feels called to learn and explore more.

Information is freely available to use now. You can google anything. Ask chatgpt to teach you things, summarize research for you, help you access the latest details on anything you could possibly want to know.

And I think this is the most wonderful thing ever. It awakens ancient memories of a time where open exchange with an open heart was the norm. No one in society lacked for anything.

So I share freely, because I believe the way to...

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