🤯What even IS Numerology? let's break this down.

Let's get back to basics shall we?

➡️ What even IS Numerology? 

It is the Language of Numbers to interpret energy. There are number patterns all around us... and Numerology simply helps us to interpret them! It is a powerful tool that can help you articulate and language something you may sense on some level... because we can all sense energy... but this gives you a way to be clear and specific!

➡️ How do we use Numerology?

There are 3 key ways we can use it...

  1. Understanding the energy and personality of people - ourselves, clients and loved ones. We can look at your birth chart, the blueprint of your Soul. And we can see where you may experience challenges, where you may sabotage or have blindspots. And we can also see where your gifts lay, what opportunities are available for you, how you are meant to make an impact and contribute. We can see what motivates you, how you learn, and how your energy flows.  When you look at multiple charts together, you can also start to interpret relationships, and get a greater understanding of soul agreements, and how relationships will unfold.
    This is truly like having the blueprints and instruction manual for this vessel you were born into!
  2. Understanding how energy is unfolding over time. We all move through cycles and patterns over time... some large patterns that can last 9 years, as well as annual, monthly and daily cycles.  When you understand this, you can align your energy and your actions with the patterns of support around you!! 
    You can easily determine:
    ⭐️ Opportunities to grow and expand.
    ⭐️ Best time to connect and collaborate.
    ⭐️ Windows of time with financial opportunities and abundance portals.
    ⭐️ When you will be at your most creative (hint - use this time to write or create something in your work, or have fun making art!)
    ⭐️ Hermit and retreat windows, where you are being asked to slow down for deep reflection and contemplation.
    When you discover this... it's like paddling your boat WITH the current rather than against it!!
  3. Engaging in a 2-way conversation with the Universe.  Do you see number patterns around?  This is the Universe (your Guides, Spirit, etc), trying to communicate with you!! And when you learn what the number patterns mean, you can fully engage in rich deep 2-way conversations. You can ask questions, and receive answers via numbers, giving you specific guidance and wisdom!  Don't wait for the Universe to give you a sign... honestly, that is my pet peeve.  The Universe is asking for your full engagement, your full participation. Have a desire?  Declare it and ask for feedback!  Wondering what your next step is on your goal?  Ask, and see what number signs are sent your way.

What the world needs now, more than ever... is skilled listeners.

People who can see, feel, and relate... and listen with all their senses open.

Powerful coaches, healers, teachers, practitioners and guides... are the ones who are constantly expanding their ability to feel and intuit the energetic experiences their clients are facing. 
Those who are powerful at attunement with the energetic needs of their people.

Oh ya, and if you loved this conversation, go check out the podcast I did with George Bryant on this topic!! I think I blew his mind 😉


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