Who loves numbers??
Do you see repeating patterns?? Or really notice specific numbers coming up for you?
Numbers contain energy. They also have a self-actualizing potential.
The energy contains a polarity. One side shows us the challenge, struggle, and sabotage.
The other side shows us potential, possibility, expansion, and evolution.
So... when you see a number, you are being presented with an opportunity. 
Do I choose sabotage? Or possibility?
Do I struggle? Or lean into growth?
And if you understand the message the number carries... as well as how it interacts with your personal Code... it becomes an opportunity-rich with awareness and guidance.
I teach numerology as an empowerment tool. A support for you to increase self-awareness, and help you evolve as you create a wildly sacred, meaningful life that sets your heart on fire and your soul free. 
And you can use this to support your clients to experience the same!!