Healing Toxic Money Patterns: 4 part series (2/4)

Identifying Money Blocks and Self-Sabotaging Patterns

Healing Currency Blog Series: Part 2

Now that we understand where money trauma can come from, let’s talk about how it manifests in our lives. Money blocks—those invisible barriers that hold us back financially—are a common result of past money trauma. But identifying these blocks can give us the clarity to break free from them.

In this post, we’ll uncover some of the subtle (and not-so-subtle) self-sabotaging patterns that show up in our finances, guiding you towards gentle steps for change.

What Money Blocks Look Like in Everyday Life

Money blocks can take on many forms. They might show up as fear around spending, hesitation in charging what you’re worth, or avoiding money altogether. Many of us have made unconscious “promises” to ourselves around money based on past experiences, like, “I’ll never be vulnerable with money again,” or “I’ll work as hard as I have to if it means I’ll be safe.”

These decisions protect us initially, but over time, they become limiting beliefs that can hinder our financial growth.

Common Patterns of Self-Sabotage

Here are a few examples of how money trauma may be showing up in your life:

  • Avoidance: You avoid looking at your finances, bills, or even paycheck details. Ignoring money may feel safer, but it also prevents us from creating a trusting, stable relationship with it.

  • Overworking and Undercharging: If you believe that money only comes through intense effort, you may struggle with burnout, feeling you must work harder for every dollar.

  • Undervaluing Your Worth: This can look like hesitating to set fair prices or repeatedly offering discounts. Deep down, you may feel “unworthy” of more money, so you shy away from what you deserve.

When we bring awareness to these patterns, we can start to gently shift them. Imagine how liberating it would feel to break free from these self-imposed limits, replacing them with new beliefs that are in alignment with your value and potential.

Reflection Exercise

Take a few minutes to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What does more or less money mean about me?
  2. If I had more money, I would feel ____.
  3. Who did I have to be to earn love as a child, and does this mirror my relationship with money now?

Be gentle with yourself as you explore these questions. Recognizing money blocks isn’t easy, but it’s the first step towards healing.

If you want support in your Money journey, check out Healing Currency.

Next time, we’ll dive into practical tools and exercises to begin shifting these blocks and transforming your money relationship.


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