This makes me CRAZY 🤪

It’s NOT money you truly want.
Let me say that again... it's NOT the MONEY!!

Stop obsessing over MONEY for MONEY’S sake!!!
It's repelling Money. It's a turn-off. 

And when you put all that pressure on money, it slips away… like squeezing sand in your hand.
It’s not money you want.

You THINK Money will buy you something.. 

And most people are even a little vague on that.

So… let’s get clear on that shall we? 
We need to give our Money a clear job!

Because  when money has a job, and it knows what’s expected of it, it’s energy can be channeled so much more effectively!!

Want to travel?
Want more freedom?
Time with your kids?
A more comfortable home?
Room to breathe?
Feeling safe?
Buying higher quality food?

Ok this is a great start... and...Arguably... even these things aren't what you actually desire.🤯🤯🤯

🎤🎤You desire the FEELING these things give you🎤🎤

Let's use travel as an example... you think it will give you freedom, exploration, playfulness, joy, fun.'s the catch.  You can buy travel and NOT GET THESE FEELINGS. Which creates such resentment, frustration, annoyance or even anger towards Money.

It's not Money's fault... it's up to you to be clear.

📓So.... try this little journal prompt... and see if it helps create a smidge of clarity for you.

➡️If you had more Money, what would you buy/invest in?


➡️If you had that thing, how would you feel/experience life?

Then... let's be clear... the THING isn't a guarantee to feel that way. 
BUT knowing the THING you want AND how you want it to make you FEEL is a CRITICAL STEP!!

Your relationship with Money is SO complex... and if you feel like you might be a little twisted up, let's sort this out.


50% Complete

Two Step

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