✨Reminder: You were made for times like these.

In this potent 7 energy…I am feeling the intensity spark.

And I just want to remind you... that we were MADE for times like these.

We, at the Soul level, have chosen this experience.

We are perfectly equipped to handle it.

Of course, we aren't perfect.

Of course, we will mess it up, get it wrong, flounder and sputter.

We don't see or realize the timeline adjustments that are unfolding in our floundering.

We don't realize the wrinkles we are ironing out in our 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th try.

So if you are in the midst of floundering right now... does it help to remember:

🔥there is a strength growing within you.

✨That this is activating an initiation.

🔮That the magic of 7 is the illusions... that stuff is happening underground, deep within... even if you can't see the physical evidence YET.

I am curious... Are you feeling what's brewing deep within right now? 

Numerology is the most powerful tool to help you understand, Alchemize and activatate these shifts that are bubbling under the surface.


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Two Step

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