3 Stage Business Model for Profit without Burnout

These 3 stages are critical for any business model, but particularly important if you are looking to scale your service-based business. If you are a service provider, offer 1-1 consultations, are a coach, healer, professional intuitive, etc.

You may not see it... but your unique gifts and genius CAN be translated to leverage... and this area is my expertise!!

Here are the 3 stages you need to consider in your business model:

Stage 1: Relationship Building (Free Stage)

  • Purpose: To introduce people to your world and build a relationship with potential clients.

  • Goal: Get people to know, like, and trust you. It’s about creating a space where they can connect with you.

  • Examples of Offers/Products:Free quizzes, Free webinars, Masterclasses, Free opt-ins (guides, templates, tools, etc.), Free content (social media, blogs, emails), Free downloadable resources


Stage 2: Accessible Paid Offer (Trust Building)

  • Purpose: To deepen the relationship and build trust. This is where clients get a low-risk opportunity to try out your paid services.

  • Goal: Offer something low-cost and easy to buy, to build trust and give clients a preview of what working with you at a deeper level might be like. Ultimately to create trust in YOU and in THEMSELVES with your system.

  • Examples of Offers/Products:Low-cost paid workshops, One-off sessions, Mini-courses, Paid masterclasses with workbooks, Low-cost membership sites, Digital products (e.g., ebooks, guides, or templates for a small fee)


Stage 3: High-Value, Transformation Offer (Profit and Transformation Stage)

  • Purpose: To provide clients with the full transformational experience and create the deepest impact. This is where you deliver your highest value services.

  • Goal: Generate revenue while helping clients experience profound transformation. This stage requires a bigger investment of time, energy, and money from your clients.

  • Examples of Offers/Products:Group coaching programs, One-on-one coaching packages, High-end memberships or mastermind groups, Certifications, Retreats, Comprehensive online courses with personalized support

️Self Assessment time️

How would you rank yourself, on a scale of 1-10, on each of these stages?

Be sure to watch the full training where I give you very tangible tools and strategies at each stage. 


 Here are some homework questions

1. What are the 3 main ways people FIND you?

2. What are the 3 main ways people build a RELATIONSHIP with you (stage 1 of your biz plan)?

3. What is the way people build trust in YOU and in THEMSELVES with your work & process (stage 2)?

4. What is the way you create support for implementation and true lasting transformation (stage 3)?

Curious about how these stages can work in your business? Comment below or send me a message and we can brainstorm how this would work for your niche!!


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