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Join The Abundant Business Method

Abundant Business Method

Join Now for 1 pmt of $1997 CDN

Abundant Business Method

Join Now for 6 monthly payments $349 CDN

The Abundant Business Method

Pillars of Support

Pillar 1: Customized Business Plan - Set the Stage for Success

What You Get:

  • Private 60-Minute Strategy Power Session: We’ll dive deep into your unique biz model to identify opportunities, gaps, and potential revenue streams.
  • Your Personalized Biz Blueprint: A written plan highlighting key recommendations and simple action steps for massive impact.
  • Numerology informed Business Strategy: helping you understand your energetic niche, including HOW you support clients, and the Codes of your Soulmate Clients.

Template: "The Success Script" - A detailed action plan tailored to your business that aligns strategy with your soul’s purpose. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Profit Planner Prompts" - Use these prompts to clarify your business goals and streamline your path to success.

Pillar 2: Big Picture Business Vision & Energetic Alignment - Where Dreams and Actions Align

What You Get:

  • Create Your Energetic Business Map: A visual guide to keep you on track and aligned, even when doubts creep in. Big paper and markers time!!
  • Reactivation Template: A step-by-step guide to reignite your energy and ensure you're always creating from an aligned state.

Template: "The Vision Vault" - A creative and energizing template that aligns your big dreams with actionable steps. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Alignment Amplifier" - Prompts designed to keep your business energy in sync with your vision.

Pillar 3: Business Profit Clarity - Map the Path to Profits

What You Get:

  • Product & Profit Mapping: Clearly understand your customer journey and how each product fits in.
  • Messaging Mastery: Nail down the messaging that will magnetize your Soulmate Clients.
  • Profit Clarity Template: Position your offers for maximum impact and profitability.

Template: "The Profit Pathway" - A strategic map to ensure every product and service leads to increased revenue. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Clarity Catalyst" - Use these prompts to create cohesive and compelling offers that attract clients like a magnet.

Pillar 4: Develop Your Client Pathway Plan - Smooth Sailing to Soulmate Clients

What You Get:

  • Strategy Selector: Choose the best lead generation and client nurturing strategies that resonate with your energy codes.
  • Implementation Plan: Set up a strategy that includes quiz funnels, masterclass series, referral teams, and more.

Template: "The Pathway Planner" - A tailored template to guide your clients seamlessly from lead to loyal customer. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Strategy Spotlight" - Prompts to clarify and optimize your client journey for maximum conversion.

Pillar 5: Create a QUIZ Funnel Together - Fun, Engaging, & Heart-Centred Connection

What You Get:

  • Quiz Creation: Design a quiz that’s not only fun but also an insightful tool to segment your list and speak directly to your clients’ needs.

Template: "The Quiz Crafter" - A step-by-step template to build a quiz that resonates and converts. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Engagement Energizer" - Prompts to design quiz questions that captivate and connect with your audience.

Pillar 6: Develop a Speaking Series - Share Your Wisdom, Attract Your Community

What You Get:

  • Speaking Series Blueprint: Workshops, webinars, or masterclasses - in person AND online, this blueprint will help you educate, entertain, and sell without the ick.

Template: "The Speaker’s Spotlight" - A comprehensive template to structure your talks for maximum impact. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Captivator’s Questions" - Prompts to craft a speaking series that positions you as the go-to expert in your field.

Pillar 7: Create a Content Marketing Plan - Make Marketing Fun & Effortless

What You Get:

  • Social media as a Portal: Learn to work with the energetics of a Portal to magnetize your Soulmate Clients. Receive a ritual to activate the magic in marketing.
  • Content Marketing Mastery: Learn a simple, repeatable system to create content that feels authentic, fun, and aligned with your brand.

Template: "The Content Carousel" - A rotating plan that keeps your content fresh, engaging, and aligned with your audience's needs. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Marketing Muse" - Prompts to inspire content ideas that resonate and convert.

VIP Upgrade

Add on a private coaching session with me each month... just an extra $300 per month (or $1800)


You don't have to do it alone. Let me walk closely with you. Together. We will will meet once per month for 6 months. And you can voice memo me during Voxer week, as much as you for check in, accountability, quick Q&A, and energy attunement.

Private coaching with me is typically $1000 per month, but since I am supporting you in The Abundant Business Method, you get special rates and special access!!!

Any questions if this is right for you?  Book into my calendar, let's chat.

✨Book a 15 min Call with Me✨

This is for you if:

  • You are sick of business advice that goes against your intuition.
  • You know you are meant to share your work in a bigger way... but you get caught up in HOW to share it in a way that honours your energy, your gifts and your uniqueness.
  • You are truly ready to see meaningful expansion in your work.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You don't want to build your business at least partially online.
  • You don't want to take action or show up to the trainings... I can walk with you, show you, guide you... but you need to take the action
  • You don't believe that there are unique energetics at play that inform what works for each person.


Email me [email protected]

Or book a 15 min chat here.


50% Complete

Two Step

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