Intuitive Entrepreneurs:

This is for you if you are sensitive to energy, and want a profitable business doing work you love!

  • Do you find that you get so excited about your work, but can't seem to get traction with clients & money flow?
  • Do you love multiple tools, modalities and systems, and aren't sure how to bring them together into a cohesive whole, that makes sense to your clients?
  • Are you afraid to price your services? Feeling like you should give discounts and getting stuck in the vortex of free offers?
  • Do you want to feel stable, secure and supported... while still honouring a beautiful work/life balance so you can enjoy your family AND yourself?




Entrepreneurs who are sensitive to energy...

You are built differently... it's time for your business to honour that.

Traditional business advice doesn't work for you... in fact, it can sabotage your success because it is often at ODDS with your intuition!


The Abundant Business Method is a system you can lean into. 

It will support you, honour your unique Energetic Codes, and provide the foundations of support that will allow you to thrive in your work.

I know you desire to serve, support and help others. 

You also want to feel free from the weight and constriction that financial burdens place on you.
This is why it's SO important that your business thrive financially AND honour your Energetic Codes.

The Next Step on your Journey...

Join The Abundant Business Method

Abundant Business Method

Join Now for 1 pmt of $1997 USD

Abundant Business Method

Join Now for 6 monthly payments $349 USD

The Abundant Business Method

Pillars of Support

Pillar 1: Customized Business Plan - Set the Stage for Success

What You Get:

  • Private 60-Minute Strategy Power Session: We’ll dive deep into your unique biz model to identify opportunities, gaps, and potential revenue streams.
  • Your Personalized Biz Blueprint: A written plan highlighting key recommendations and simple action steps for massive impact.
  • Numerology informed Business Strategy: helping you understand your energetic niche, including HOW you support clients, and the Codes of your Soulmate Clients.

Template: "The Success Script" - A detailed action plan tailored to your business that aligns strategy with your soul’s purpose. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Profit Planner Prompts" - Use these prompts to clarify your business goals and streamline your path to success.

Pillar 2: Big Picture Business Vision & Energetic Alignment - Where Dreams and Actions Align

What You Get:

  • Create Your Energetic Business Map: A visual guide to keep you on track and aligned, even when doubts creep in. Big paper and markers time!!
  • Reactivation Template: A step-by-step guide to reignite your energy and ensure you're always creating from an aligned state.

Template: "The Vision Vault" - A creative and energizing template that aligns your big dreams with actionable steps. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Alignment Amplifier" - Prompts designed to keep your business energy in sync with your vision.

Pillar 3: Business Profit Clarity - Map the Path to Profits

What You Get:

  • Product & Profit Mapping: Clearly understand your customer journey and how each product fits in.
  • Messaging Mastery: Nail down the messaging that will magnetize your Soulmate Clients.
  • Profit Clarity Template: Position your offers for maximum impact and profitability.

Template: "The Profit Pathway" - A strategic map to ensure every product and service leads to increased revenue. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Clarity Catalyst" - Use these prompts to create cohesive and compelling offers that attract clients like a magnet.

Pillar 4: Develop Your Client Pathway Plan - Smooth Sailing to Soulmate Clients

What You Get:

  • Strategy Selector: Choose the best lead generation and client nurturing strategies that resonate with your energy codes.
  • Implementation Plan: Set up a strategy that includes quiz funnels, masterclass series, referral teams, and more.

Template: "The Pathway Planner" - A tailored template to guide your clients seamlessly from lead to loyal customer. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Strategy Spotlight" - Prompts to clarify and optimize your client journey for maximum conversion.

Pillar 5: Create a QUIZ Funnel Together - Fun, Engaging, & Heart-Centred Connection

What You Get:

  • Quiz Creation: Design a quiz that’s not only fun but also an insightful tool to segment your list and speak directly to your clients’ needs.

Template: "The Quiz Crafter" - A step-by-step template to build a quiz that resonates and converts. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Engagement Energizer" - Prompts to design quiz questions that captivate and connect with your audience.

Pillar 6: Develop a Speaking Series - Share Your Wisdom, Attract Your Community

What You Get:

  • Speaking Series Blueprint: Workshops, webinars, or masterclasses - in person AND online, this blueprint will help you educate, entertain, and sell without the ick.

Template: "The Speaker’s Spotlight" - A comprehensive template to structure your talks for maximum impact. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Captivator’s Questions" - Prompts to craft a speaking series that positions you as the go-to expert in your field.

Pillar 7: Create a Content Marketing Plan - Make Marketing Fun & Effortless

What You Get:

  • Social media as a Portal: Learn to work with the energetics of a Portal to magnetize your Soulmate Clients. Receive a ritual to activate the magic in marketing.
  • Content Marketing Mastery: Learn a simple, repeatable system to create content that feels authentic, fun, and aligned with your brand.

Template: "The Content Carousel" - A rotating plan that keeps your content fresh, engaging, and aligned with your audience's needs. 

ChatGPT Prompt Guide: "The Marketing Muse" - Prompts to inspire content ideas that resonate and convert.

Your Business is Sacred.

An opportunity to experience reciprocity.

The beautiful divine exchange we get to play with in this world.

Sharing what you love. And experiencing the delight other's have in your gifts.

Joy is amplified and multiplied and shared through wealth, wellbeing and playful experiences.

VIP Upgrade

Add on a private coaching session with me each month... just an extra $300 per month (or $1800)


You don't have to do it alone. Let me walk closely with you. Together. We will will meet once per month for 6 months. And you can voice memo me during Voxer week, as much as you for check in, accountability, quick Q&A, and energy attunement.

Private coaching with me is typically $1000 per month, but since I am supporting you in The Abundant Business Method, you get special rates and special access!!!

Any questions if this is right for you?  Book into my calendar, let's chat.

✨Book a 15 min Call with Me✨

This is for you if:

  • You are sick of business advice that goes against your intuition.
  • You know you are meant to share your work in a bigger way... but you get caught up in HOW to share it in a way that honours your energy, your gifts and your uniqueness.
  • You are truly ready to see meaningful expansion in your work.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You don't want to build your business at least partially online.
  • You don't want to take action or show up to the trainings... I can walk with you, show you, guide you... but you need to take the action
  • You don't believe that there are unique energetics at play that inform what works for each person.


Email me [email protected]

Or book a 15 min chat here.

The Abundant Business Method

Business Coaching Mentorship (including private session,  systems & templates, group coaching, and implementation sessions)

Sign up NOW (1 pmt of $1997 USD) Sign up NOW (6 pmts of $349 USD)

Frequently Asked Questions

Book your private business strategy session with Meaghan in the first 2 weeks of October.
You will receive an intake form so I can do my research on your business.
In our call, we will create a strategy for the next 6 months, including a business plan.
Following our call, you will receive a customized written business plan.
It will be your implementation guide for the Mentorship!

If you aren't sure if this is right for you, please reach out!! I can ask you certain questions to better understand your business and your goals to make sure this will work for you!!

You can send me a note at [email protected]

And... just bc I know life happens...

I do have a full money-back guarantee. You can receive a full refund if you are not happy within 1 month of purchase. No hoops to jump through.

Obviously, I want you to LOVE it and be confident with the results you are getting!

Calls are typically the first 3 Tuesdays of each month, at 12pm Pacific time (3pm Eastern).

Our first call as a group will be Oct 22 (to talk about using our Biz Plans with our Vision).

THEN, start in in Nov, this is the call schedule:
1st Tuesday:  Teaching call to learn the strategy and system for the month.

2nd Tuesday: Q&A, hot seat coaching to help you make the strategy work for YOU and your unique model.

3rd Tuesday: Implementation. This call isn't for a lot of talking.. it's to get things done. We will each come with a task or a project we are working on... and do the work together.


Much of the training is LIVE together, however there will be recordings so if you can't attend live, you can catch up on the recording!!

Great!! Let's book a call. I want to make sure this makes sense for you!!

Calendar link




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